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Antarctic Adventure will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on August 21 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Yakuza fans will want to be on the lookout for a “surprise announcement” pertaining to the series on August 18. News will be shared during the “Yakuza Character General Election” in Shinjuku, Tokyo at 4 AM local time.

It’s unclear what SEGA has in store for this mysterious reveal. New game? Some kind of special item? Something else We’ll find out in a little over a week.

Source, Via

Writing on Twitter, Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya posted a series of messages tackling the topics of sales and reviews.

Kamiya seems to believe that, when it comes to western gamers, they focus too much on these two elements. Both are used as ways to evaluate a title.

In Kamiya’s opinion, players should determine a game’s quality by experiencing it “rather than borrowing some numbers”.

“For foreign gamers, games that sell and don’t sell tend to be a hot topic… I wonder why they care so much about sales that it makes them choose what to play. It may be because (sales) numbers are the most obvious way to evaluate a game, and reviews seem to be another… I think that rather than borrowing some numbers to judge the quality of a game, you should decide by yourself.”

Source 1, Source 2

Nintendo of Europe delayed the release of Flipnote Studio 3D last week following “unexpectedly high levels of user activity since the launch of the application in Japan”. Similarly, the download has been pushed back in North America. The official Flipnote Studio 3D website now lists “TBD” as the US release date.

Source, Via

Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with yet another post. You can find it here. Today’s update covers who the Wonderful One-Double-Oh are fighting for.

The blog post also contains a rather interesting teaser about tomorrow’s Wonderful 101 Direct:

This episode will be hosted by a special guest you all know and love, who will show you the latest trailer and tell you how to play the game…


Make sure to watch it all the way through, because there might just be an exciting new announcement at the end!

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