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The Rayman Legends development team found great joy in working with Wii U. Michel Ancel recently told that “the main excitement that we had for that particular game was working on the Wii U, working with Nintendo.” And so when the higher-ups at Ubisoft decided to delay the game for additional versions, an opportunity was taken to add even more content.

Ancel said:

When the Wii U version was finished could have said ‘stop the Wii U version and only develop content for Xbox 360 and PS3. But the message was ‘we will continue to Wii U, adding content to Wii U’, and the main excitement that we had for that particular game was working on the Wii U, working with Nintendo. Work with development kits, discovering the Wii U… so we went with that positive energy to the end.

Also also commented on the Wii U in general and spoke about how the system’s messaging isn’t easy for everyone to pick up on:

The thing with the Wii U is that is not easy for the mass market to understand what’s cool inside of it.
I see it at home, when people say ‘look, we have that console, it has a touch screen (which looks like a big smartphone or a tablet)’ … and people don’t directly connect all these things as a system and see the fun… it takes time… That is the risk when you innovate: perhaps people are not as fast as you.


Today’s North American Nintendo Download report has been conspicuously missing in action. There could be one major reason for its delay: EarthBound appears to be coming to the Wii U eShop today as a Virtual Console download.

An official page on Nintendo’s website lists today’s release date as well as a $9.99 price point. It’s a bit more than other SNES titles, but most will probably say that it’s worth it.

Intelligent Systems has picked up the Japanese trademarks “Fire Emblem” and “Emblem”, sparking speculation that the filings are related to a new entry in the long-running franchise.

The two names were filed on June 24. Today, both were successfully registered.

It’s worth noting that the two trademarks aren’t for a renewal. None of Nintendo/Intelligent Systems’ older items will be expiring in the near future.


This month’s GamesTM review scores are as follows:

Pikmin 3 – 9
Company of Heroes 2 – 8
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros. – 8
Dust 514 – 5
Marvel Heroes – 4
Gunpoint – 8
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons – 8
New Super Luigi U – 7
Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler – 8
State of Decay – 7
The Swapper – 9
Sorcery! – 8
Game & Wario – 6

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Nintendo has been working on a 3DS version of Miiverse for a significant amount of time. According to a tweet from Emily Rogers, the functionality will be ready to go in just a few months. Miiverse will apparently come to the 3DS this fall through a firmware update, and will also include the introduction of Nintendo Network IDs on the system.


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