Off-screen Zelda: A Link Between Worlds footage with audio
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Harvest Moon creator and Toybox president talks about love for Zelda
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 0 comments
Did you know that Toybox president Yasuhiro Wada is a big Zelda fan? How about the fact that Zelda was a big influence on Harvest Moon? If Wada was given the chance, he’d probably prefer to work on Zelda more than any other Nintendo franchise. However, he said: “I think I’d rather just enjoy that as a player.”
Wada’s favorite Zelda games are A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, and Wind Waker. Wind Waker tops them all.
“The first half of Wind Waker is like 200% right. It’s like better than 100%, but the second half is more like 50% right.”
Wada’s one beef with The Wind Waker? The notorious Triforce hunt.
You can probably count on Wada picking up Zelda: Wind Waker HD later this year.
“I heard the balance was tweaked for the better, so I’m hoping it will be closer to 300%.”
Photo: Miyamoto checks out Tearaway at E3 2013
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
E3 2013 isn’t all business for Shigeru Miyamoto. He’s also checking out some of the games on display, such as Tearaway for the PlayStation Vita.
The photo below was snapped at the E3 showfloor today:

Crimson Dragon dev working on unannounced project for Nintendo
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Grounding Inc is busy developing Crimson Dragon for the Xbox One. Additionally, the company is creating something for Nintendo.
Game director Yukio Futatsugi confirmed to Joystiq that Grounding has an unannounced project in the works for the Big N. He wasn’t willing to divulge any details, however.
Grounding Inc is a company that Nintendo fans should be familiar with. The team created Sakura Samurai, the WiiWare PictureBook games, and the Japanese Club Nintendo reward Nintendoji.
Comparison shows faithfulness of Mega Man in Smash Bros.
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Wii U | 0 comments
Looks like Sakurai, Namco Bandai, and the rest of the team are doing a bang-up job replicating Mega Man’s classic look and feel in Smash Bros…
Mutant Mudds Deluxe “Ghostly” trailer
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Hayashida talks Super Mario 3D World’s development, Peach, those concerned with multiplayer focus, more
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Polygon published a pretty in-depth interview with Nintendo EAD planner and project leader Koichi Hayashida. Hayashida talked all things Super Mario 3D World – development, multiplayer, and more.
Look for a roundup of his comments below.
Precursor on Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding mistakes, bits on next campaign
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Precursor Games ended its current crowdfunding efforts for Shadow of the Eternals. This could be related to a few issues that cropped up during the initial campaign. Precursor Games chief creative officer Denis Dyack feels that the “noise” surrounding his involvement in Shadow of the Eternals didn’t exactly help make the studio’s messaging any clearer.
“I guess it’s safe to say there’s always been noise around me and I think that what I’m working on now is to make people understand the games that we’re making.”
Precursor believes it should have spent more time “educating people” about the project prior to the start of the crowdfunding campaigns. Precursor Games COO Shawn Jackson also feels that the crowdfunding kicked of next to “a lot of messages”, including the establishment of the new studio, who was involved, and more. Not enough was done to explain Shadow of the Eternals as well.
Precursor plans to come back with a second crowdfunding effort for Shadow of the Eternals. The goal will be less than the original $1.3 million target, and the campaign will only be done through Kickstarter. Precursor only plans to initiate its own campaign if the Kickstarter is successful.
Zelda: A Link Between Worlds officially hitting North America in November
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

It’s official: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds will be available in North America in November. Meanwhile, the European release will follow later in 2013.
Platinum aiming for 60 FPS with Bayonetta 2
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Bayonetta 2 may very well run at 60 frames-per-second when the final game ships. Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya said on Twitter that the team will “do our best” to reach that mark.
We’ll do our best. RT @horrorkraut: Hi, can you tell us whether Bayonetta 2 will run smoothly with 60 fps? The first one on 360 only had 60
— ???? Hideki Kamiya (@PG_kamiya) June 13, 2013