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Starfish announced today that Elminage Gothic: 3DS Remix will be released in Japan on July 11. Pricing is set at 6,090 yen. You can find a few new screenshots of the game in the gallery above.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 28,139
3DS – 18,584
Vita – 14,112
PS3 – 14,039
Wii U – 9,984
PSP – 7,566
Wii – 1,383
Xbox 360 – 492

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 34,180
3DS – 22,684
Vita – 19,328
PS3 – 16,807
Wii U – 14,783
PSP – 8,876
Wii – 1,718
Xbox 360 – 536

CloudHead is open to bringing The Gallery: Six Elements to the Wii U.

The Gallery has made a name for itself through Kickstarter, where it quickly became one of Octulus Rift’s premiere games. CloudHead would consider bringing the game to the Wii U, though a few roadblocks may stand in the studio’s way.

Complexities exist in terms of how the Unity Engine is being utilized, so the team may need some extra effort – including time – to make The Gallery possible on the console. CloudHead would also need to pay for a couple of Wii U dev kits, and fundraising through Kickstarter isn’t much of an option at this point since the original campaign ended months ago.

Still, The Gallery: Six Elements is a possibility for the Wii U. Is it something you’d like to see?


EA finally announced FIFA 14 today. After the company put out a fairly good experience in FIFA 13 for the Wii U launch, one would think that the team would take the time to implement all features found in the other console versions and come back with a new release for the console this year. So far, that isn’t the case.

FIFA 14 has been officially confirmed for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Wii U was nowhere to be found in the company’s announcement.

An EA representative did tell ONM the following, however:

“At present we are only revealing PS3, Xbox 360 and PC but additional formats will be revealed in the months ahead.”

Could this mean that a Wii U version is in the works? Or is EA alluding to next-gen versions…?


Update: Added in Ace Attorney 5, Etrian Odyssey: Millennium Girl.

Post will be updated if any additional images come in.

Othello footage

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

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