Denpa Ningen RPG 2 screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
UnchainBlades EXXIV screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Learn how to blow a bubble, thanks to Kirby
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments

Nintendo is gearing up to set a new Guinness World Record for simultaneous bubble gum blowing. The company released a handy infographic, featuring Kirby, that shows how to blow a bubble. View it above.
NBA 2K13 screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Medabots 7 details, screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 0 comments
Medabots 7 is very close to launching in Japan. The two versions of the game will be available on September 13.
Since it’ll be out in two weeks, the Medabots 7 website has received an extensive update. You can find new details and screenshots pulled from the site below.
– New combo-based mechanic for the battle system
– Involves using 2 parts at the same time when reaching the attacking line, in exchange for it taking longer to charge/cooldown.
– Medaforce and Medachange are returning
– Medachange: ability to transform
– Footage on the website shows parts from a variety of Medarot games, including Medarot 5, and Medarot G
– Over 700 parts in the game
– 5,700 possible combinations
– Medal raising has changed
– Players will be restricted to the same 3 skills like Medabots DS, but there are now added effects to where a user aims an attack
– Ex: “Speed” still makes the Medabot aim at leg parts first, but also gives it a 1.2x bonus with its charge time
– Ex: “Power” gives a bonus to damage
– Branching medal evolution paths will return from Medarot 5
GameStop thinking about adding vintage games to its website
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Right now, GameStop’s stock of titles only dates back to the GameCube/PS2/Xbox generation or so. That could be changing in the future.
GameStop CEO Paul Raines revealed to The Verge that the retailer is currently mulling over the possibility of adding classic game cartridges and discs to its online website for purchase.
“We’ve got them. We think there’s a vintage sales opportunity, so we’re accumulating some inventory. It’s a big idea, and there’s a few problems with it. The first one is sourcing the product, the condition, the refurbishment, all that stuff. But there’s a customer for it. And we’re working on some stuff we haven’t announced yet. If you go to eBay and look at all of the gaming stuff that’s on there, it’s unbelievable. Collector’s stuff. We’ve got to be in that business. We will be.”
Raines explained the thinking behind bringing vintage games to its website:
“Our website is becoming unbelievably rich. We can’t just be trying to go head-to-head with Amazon, beating each other to death on delivery dates. We do plenty of that. But we’ve got to be a destination for gamers where, for cool stuff for gaming, you’ve got to go to Gamestop.”
So nothing is set in stone… but it sure sounds like it could happen. It would be pretty neat seeing NES classics and other games on GameStop’s site.
Trailers of this week’s Nintendo Downloads (8/30/12)
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Nintendo Power Sept. 2012 scans – Pokemon, Professor Layton, Sonic racer, Virtue’s Last Reward
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Nintendo Power has released a public preview of this month’s magazine. Titles featured include Pokemon Black/White 2, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, and Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward.
The issue arrives on newsstands on September 4 and has already started to reach subscribers.