WWE ’13 Attitude Era mode trailer
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Cliff Bleszinski offers a very long eulogy for Nintendo Power
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
I’m not gonna make commentary- just give this a read:
“The Nintendo Fun Club, and later Nintendo Power, were incredibly important periodicals for me growing up in suburban New England. Remember, I grew up in an era pre-internet, so any data one could acquire about games came from only a handful of sources—the back of the box, or from a network of friends. The latter were often unreliable in the fact that they’d make up urban legends, such as the one about the negative worlds in Super Mario Brothers in which Mario allegedly got to go skiing. (I once, in middle school, had a friend try to convince me that there was a sequel out to the amazing game Herzog Zwei, when he had somehow misunderstood that the “2” was actually what “Zwei” meant in German. There was no Herzog Zwei 2. Closest thing is that sweet game AirMech that’s coming out.)
“I digress. Nintendo Power wasn’t just my glimpse into what was coming next, it felt like my portal to the outside world. It poured fuel on the fire of my burning love of video games by showing me previews of upcoming titles and how tantalizing they looked. I’ll never forget seeing the giant bosses in Mega Man 2 laid out on those spreads; in fact, when I think back I can still smell the ink of the pages.
“The magazine also gave me my first taste of video game infamy with having my name in the Fun Club and later in the first issue ofNintendo Power—I sometimes wonder if this was what led to my eagerness to engage the press and gamers on such a regular basis.
“Most importantly, I learned the power of hype. Let’s be honest, Nintendo Power was a propaganda device for the big N. But when you had a willing young boy in middle school who ate Nintendo Cereal, covered his walls with Nintendo logos, and was called “Nintendo Boy” on the bus it was a monthly shot in the arm that I would check the mailbox for daily. The magazine had a great run, and it will be missed, as will its enthusiasm, especially in a digital age that can sometimes be quick to damn before praising.”
– Cliffy B of Epic Games, creator of Gears of War
New Kingdom Hearts AR Cards are on their way to Club Nintendo in the UK
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
I haven’t heard anything about this, but apparently there are Kingdom Hearts 3D AR cards that people were drooling over, and now those people can finally get their hands on them- that is, if they live in the U.K. Club Nintendo across the pond will begin carrying the cards on August 22nd, which is tomorrow if you’re reading this post the day it’s posted.
It’s a pack of three cards that can be used to recruit ‘Spirits’ into your game, and every pack includes the same three cards.
Assassin’s Creed III: “Inside Assassin’s Creed” – episode 1
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Adam Sessler has doubts about Wii U, thinks it could be delayed to 2013
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
You can add Adam Sessler to the long list of Wii U doubters.
Sessler, previously a co-host of G4’s X-Play, is starting to wonder if the console will actually launch this year and isn’t sure if it will “provide the needed stimulation to the industry.”
He wrote on Twitter today:
“…Also….increasing confident that the WiiU will a) not come out this year. b)will not provide the needed stimulation to the industry. I will probably eat my words on one of those points. By then I hope to have a video platform to apologize on. Selling console this Nov. with a price north of Borderlands, AC3, Halo 4 and CoD combined and announcing in Sept?”
It’s very unlikely at this point that Nintendo will delay the launch of Wii U to 2013. With the Wii, Nintendo announced the console’s release date and price in September, and it ended up hitting store shelves in November. This pattern will likely hold true for the Wii U.
Japanese Blazing Star Wii VC trailer
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments
GameStop deals (8/22 – 8/28)
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
Super Mario Bros. recreated on the Atari 2600
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos | 0 comments
I have to admit, this is pretty darn impressive. Remember: Atari 2600 is a much different system compared to the NES, and it has many more limitations than Nintendo’s classic console. Its creator says that the finished product is “pretty close” to Super Mario Bros.
16 levels are included in this “demo” – World 1-1 through 4-4. Again, there are limitations that prevent it from being an exact clone, but it’s still incredibly neat.
There’s lots of additional information here.