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Email issues

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments

Email has been down for a good part of the day. If you sent in a message between 2:00 AM ET and 12:00 AM ET, your message may not have been received. All issues have now been resolved, so please resend your email if you don’t receive a reply soon.

THQ has gone back and forth between calling this the Crucible and Arena mode. It is the Crucible, but the actual mode seems to be “Arena” I guess we’ll stick with that for now.

It’s business as usual on the Shin Megami Tensei IV site. There’s more new music and another developer message in today’s update.

Main programmer Satoshi Ooyama left a message on the teaser page. Ooyama says that with Shin Megami Tensei 3 Maniax, the team was trying to create the best PlayStation 2 RPG. And with Tensei IV, the staff hopes to make the best RPG on 3DS.

Source, Via

European 3DS owners have just a few days left to purchase the first Freakyforms. Nintendo will be removing the eShop game next week.

Now that Freakyforms Deluxe is out in Europe and the downloadable version is coming to the eShop, Nintendo feels the need to remove the original title. Freakyforms costs £5.40, but the sequel will set you back £19.99 – this is the price at retail and will probably be carried over to the eShop.

A message on the European eShop says the following about Freakyforms’ removal:

The followings Rock Band Music Store songs will be made available on August 14:

Foreigner – “I Want to Know What Love Is” – keyboard support
Foreigner – “Waiting for a Girl Like You” – keyboard support
Nightwish – “Amaranth” – keyboard support, Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions available for $0.99

Each song can be purchased for $2.00 on Wii.

Source: Harmonix PR

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