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Much like Japan, a bonus will be available on Club Nintendo for consumers who purchase New Super Mario Bros. 2 digitally. If you buy the game before September 20 and fill out a registration survey, you’ll receive double the amount of coins – 100 instead of 50.

More details can be found here.

Update: Two more videos added in below.

This footage comes from the newly opened European website for New Art Academy. You can visit the page here.

The followings Rock Band Music Store songs will be made available on July 24:

Foster the People – “Helena Beat” – keyboard support
Foster the People – “Don’t Stop (Color on the Walls)” – keyboard support
The Strokes – “Under Cover of Darkness” – Pro Guitar and Pro Bass expansions available for $0.99

Each song can be purchased for $2.00 on Wii.

Source: Harmonix PR

Nintendo World Store will host a launch event for Kingdom Hearts 3D on July 28. Fans can buy the game and participate in a few activities.

Between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM, Kingdom Hearts 3D can be purchased three days early. A “special gift” will be provided with all copies of the game.

Playable units will be on hand as will a Kingdom Hearts-themed photo booth. Fans can also write special messages to the Kingdom Hearts development team in Japan.

Source: Square Enix PR

Kokuga boxart

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Snakebyte is looking to be one of the first companies to bring 3DS XL accessories to market.

First up is a universal AC adapter (7.99€) that works with the 3DS XL, 3DS, DSi XL, DSi, DS Lite, DS and GBA SP. There’s also a travel pack (19.99€) on the way that comes with a USB charging cable, a car charger, three game cases, two screen protectors, sturdy carrying case, and in-ear headphones. Last but not least are screen protectors (4.99) and a travel bag (9.99€).

Photos of the accessories can be found above. For a little bit of extra information, check out the press release posted after the break.

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