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Go! Go! Kokopolo’s creator is moving forward with a sequel to the DSiWare title. Its followup will be released on the 3DS eShop and will likely be set at a lower price point.

Developer Keith Webb says that he’ll begin work on the project “right away” and will be providing the first screenshots/art as soon as they become available.


The Project X Zone dev team has been posting on the game’s blog regularly, giving insight into the game’s development and more. Its latest update – made today – focuses on the game’s music.

Details from the blog include:

– Over 45 songs
– Each character has a song
– When characters are paired together, one of their songs will be played randomly in battle
– Songs will be played for solo units
– Solo units will be detailed later
– Some field map and event music are pulled from the source material
– Original music is being created
– Some music are for field maps
– Other music is meant to go with scenario sequences
– High tempo title song is original
– This song is called “Mysterious Project”

Another Project X Zone blog update is scheduled for next week. The team will detail the title’s gameplay systems.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2

Heroes of Ruin is out today in Europe! North American 3DS owners will have to wait an extra month for the game.

The Amazing Spider-Man 3DS demo can be downloaded from the North American eShop right now. I imagine it’ll be heading to Europe soon.

Footage of the demo can be viewed in the video above, which shows a rather odd glitch.


The 3DS Game Card Case has been one of the most popular rewards on the North American Club Nintendo sites. So it comes as no surprise that the item is unavailable once again.

With any luck, another restock will come our way soon.

Still no word on The Last Story’s final North American release date. It’s expected to arrive sometime this summer.


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