Images of the Kid Icarus: Uprising AR stage cards
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Update: Bumping to the front page with a few more images.
AR stage cards for Kid Icarus: Uprising do exist, are they are now available in Japan. The cards can be found inside the latest issue of Nintendo Dream.
Images of the stage cards can be found above.
Activision on next Call of Duty for Wii U: “No comment”
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
One way or another, we should be getting the next Call of Duty on one of Nintendo’s home consoles. Whether we’ll be seeing something on the Wii or Wii U (or both…?) this year remains to be seen.
Naturally Activision is keeping quiet about the situation. They haven’t announced the next Call of Duty yet (even though it’s widely assumed to be Black Ops 2), so it comes as no surprise that the company is only saying “No comment” when asked if they will release a Wii U version of the new game.
Digital Extremes and Paramount open to making Star Trek for Wii U
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Digital Extremes is currently working on a new Star Trek game for Namco Bandai. The game is due out on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC early next year.
A Wii U version hasn’t been announced, but it remains a possibility.
Brian Miller, Senior Vice President and Producer at Paramount Pictures, was asked last week if the title could end up on Nintendo’s new console as well as the PlayStation Vita.
Miller responded with:
“We are exploring right now all of our options to get on the platforms that make sense. It’s early. Good thing we have a lot of time to figure that out, and over the next few months we’ll be able to announce a few more things.”
Thanks to Jake for the tip.
Rumored Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 boxart
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 0 comments

Is this the boxart for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2? Perhaps. Twitter user “MW3Updates” shared the image above last night.
There are points that seem to imply that the boxart is real. As Kotaku notes, it uses higher-resolution art from the official series site (and GameStop page), and the text matches the font of the new Call of Duty. Then again, there are signs – such as the use of lens flare – that the box could be fake.
As far as what’s written in Italian on the box: “Prenota Subito” means “Reserve Now” and the box says “Only for Display” in the corner.
Konami makes PES 2013 official
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Konami has made Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 official today. For Nintendo platforms, the game will be coming to the 3DS, and Wii (nothing has been said about Wii U thus far…). PES is being prepared for a Fall 2013 launch.
The official game announcement can be found below.
Individuality and Full Control the key as PES 2013 moves the goalposts
Konami Digital Entertainment will offer football fans an unprecedented level of control, when its PES 2013 title returns to the field this Autumn.
As befits a game endorsed by Cristiano Ronaldo – a player who embodies the skill and grace of top level football – PES 2013 sees the series returning to its roots, with the emphasis on the individual skills of the world’s best players, and giving the player the total freedom to play any style of ball, which includes for the first time full control over shots.. This follows further consultation with both football and PES fans alike, and the result is the most faithful recreation of modern day football to date, with players modeled to match the running motions, abilities and playing styles, and the flicks and turns of their real-life counterparts.
Three key elements form the basis of PES 2013’s innovations, with all new additions falling within the fields of PES FullControl, Player ID, and ProActive AI.
Gon Paku Paku Paku Paku Adventure screenshots/art
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Son of the Dragon possible on Wii U and 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Son of the Dragon often comes up in interviews with Renegade Kid. It would have been the company’s first Wii game, and there would have been a DS version as well.
Sadly the project was killed off once publisher Gamecock was dissolved by Southpeak. As noted by Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham, Southpeak was reluctant to move forward with Son of the Dragon due to the market situation with Wii.
Watsham’s explanation of the situation (rough translation):
“We signed the game with Gamecock, who published the first U.S. Dementium. They were a great group. Son of the Dragon agreed with them to Wii and Nintendo DS, three years ago, before the 3DS. We started developing this dual game was going well. It was like a kind of Castlevania and 3D third-person, but you were Dracula and were getting some RPG elements to give you wealth. It was action-oriented, had much combat (people experienced in the subject was with this). He was ambitious and complicated, and I think it would be fun and very good. Dracula is incredible, has so much potential and history behind it.
“Southpeak bought Gamecock then. By then, the Wii market was going through many challenges, especially with the original games, ‘hardcore’ or whatever you call games for players, not for the family. Southpeak I think he thought ‘this is a lot of money, do not know if it’s something that will sell well,’ so I understand. It was naturally disappointing, but perhaps it was the right decision, unfortunately.”
Even though the Wii/DS versions were killed off, Renegade Kid could revitalize the IP on the Wii U and 3DS. The company owns the rights, so anything is possible.
According to Watsham (rough translation):
“You can, of course. We again have rights, so we can do things with it. It is always possible, is something I have spent many veves in my career. I have an idea, it does not work for any reason, and suddenly reappeared in some way … That always made ??me feel, not to lose all these ideas. They can change, learn new ways, but always good and never ceases to amaze when old ideas are again useful. It’s great.
“It is certainly possible. I am a huge fan of the game in third person. I have not done any, so you have to do is a personal challenge.”
Renegade Kid wants to make a FPS for the 3DS
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
A number of Renegade Kid’s DS efforts came in the form of first-person shooters. Dementium, Dementium II, and Moon were all FPS experiences.
Although the studio has yet to make a first-person shooter on the 3DS, Renegade Kid would very much like to make one for the handheld.
In a recent interview, Jools Watsham explained that he would like to return to Dementium, though the decision would be up to publisher Southpeak. Even if there isn’t a new Dementium game (or a Moon sequel for that matter), Watsham has an idea to make a retail-like FPS, but it would be for the eShop.
He explained (rough translation):
“Exactly. The 3DS is more powerful than the DS. The 3D experience would be incredible, Dementium is the atmosphere, darkness, sound … all that would be better in the 3DS. The lighting would be awesome, shading, detail and textures would be very rich … See Resident Evil ! It’s amazing when I saw him I thought ‘oh, there would be Dementium amazing!’
“Southpeak depends. They have the rights to the sequels. However, we are keen to make our own FPS for 3DS. We’re crazy for doing it. Whether or not related to Dementium or Moon, we are thinking of doing something completely new and launch a game of scale retail [sold in box] … but in the eShop. One of the things that I’d love: a full FPS for 3DS, but throw in the eShop, perhaps 10 or 15 euros, or something.”