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This is something that I’ve experienced, but I figured my 3DS was acting up for some odd reason. I also considered that I was going crazy.

Here’s the problem: it seems that Mario Kart 7 is causing some sort of sound glitch. This will only happen after putting your system in sleep mode. Once you open your 3DS, you might not hear anything at all.

To fix the issue, you can try putting your system back into sleep mode and reopening it. Rebooting the software will work, too. Since this is something that could be affecting a large amount of users, perhaps Nintendo can look into sending out a patch.

Let us know if you’ve encountered the problem in the comments below!

You can watch this Revelations clip in English… and French… and German… and Italian… and Spanish!

Satoru Iwata provided an update on 3DS hardware and software in a new interview with Nikkei.

The Nintendo president said that Japanese hardware sales are close to reaching the three million units sold mark. The DS achieved this goal two weeks later in the same timespan. Iwata feels that the 3DS could hit four million units sold before its first anniversary.

In terms of hardware sales overall, Iwata noted that the 3DS, as expected, has sold very well once the system’s price dropped in August. October saw high hardware numbers but low software sales because players were waiting for the launch of numerous high-quality titles.

Mario Kart 7 sold around 420,000 units in its first week in Japan according to Iwata. Compared to the last portable Mario Kart, 7’s sales nearly doubled those of the DS title. Mario Kart, along with Super Mario 3D Land, are performing better internationally thus far, Iwata said. Although Iwata believes that the holiday sales rush began two weeks later than usual, Nintendo will be very interested in the performance from overseas sales.


Whether this is related to the upcoming 3DS update or not, I’m not 100% certain, but it’s certain that as of right now the eShop is undergoing some form of maintainance, giving the standard “please try again later” message. It’s worth noting that Nintendo said the service would be temporarily halting around the time of the update to have it ready for all the new features, and the update is scheduled to hit “by December 8th”, so if this isn’t related I’d be pretty surprised.

The question is: Does this mean we may see the update his a day early? Or maybe even a few hours early?

Thanks to Franco for the news tip on our Facebook wall!

The first review of Resident Evil: Revelations can be found inside the latest GamesMaster. The magazine handed out a 91% score even though the game isn’t due out for another two months.

Here are a few choice quotes from the review:

– “the game to convince Resi fans that the series is back to its best”
– “one of the scariest games ever committed to handheld, and a spectacular return to form.”
– “a corking setting for Revelations, with a choking atmosphere trapped inside its creaking hull.”

GamesMaster also praised Revelations’ environments, storyline, and overall scares.


Shifting World boxart

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

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