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Best Buy has a deal in place for Metroid: Other M. It’s so good that I’d probably be a terrible person if I didn’t mention it here. The retailer is selling the game for just five bucks. Usually you don’t see Nintendo games out there for dirt cheap!

Sure, Other M received a mixed reaction. And obviously there were some people that were disappointed with the direction of the game. For just $5 though, I don’t see how any Wii owner could pass on this deal.

You can purchase Other M through Best Buy’s website here. It should also be available in stores.

If you live and Europe and have some interest in Mario Kart 7, perhaps you’ll consider pre-ordering the game. Those who do pre-order it will receive the lovely pouch in the photo above.

Nintendo’s notice regarding the pouch and the European Mario Kart 7 website can be found after the break.

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