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Photos of the special bundle

A leaked flier for GameStop’s Black Friday 2011 deals has revealed that the 25th Anniversary limited edition 3DS Zelda bundle will be released in North America. A copy of Ocarina of Time 3D and a special 3DS system will be included in the package. It seems as though it’ll cost $199, but the price will be reduced if you trade in your DSi/DSi XL/DS Lite.

Rayman Origins – 8.5
Saints Row: The Third – 9
Battlefield 3 (PC) – 9.5
Battlefield 3 (PS3/360) – 9.25
Need for Speed: The Run – 7.75
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North – 5.5
Spider-Man: Edge of Time – 6.5
Sonic Generations – 6.75
Disney Universe – 6.5
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure – 8
The Sims 3: Pets – 7.5
Rocksmith – 8.25
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon – 8.25
Payday: The Heist (PC) – 8
Payday: The Heist (PS3) – 6.5
Crysis – 8.25
Uncharted 3 – 9.5
Ratchet & Clank: all 4 One – 8.75
Forza Motorsport 4 – 9.25
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – 10
Super Mario 3D Land – 9.5
Solatorobo: Red the Hunter – 7.5
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land – 8.5
Professor Layton and the Last Specter – 8.5
Might & Magic Heroes VI – 8.25
Okabu – 8
Guardian Heroes – 8.25
Just Dance 3 – 6
NASCAR Unleashed – 7
A Game of Thrones: Genesis – 6.75
House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut – 8
Hulk Hogan’s Main Event – 1

Runabout 3D boxart

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

As I sit down to write a feature that I’m sure will be simultaneously received as a decent piece of gaming “journalism” and a terrible rant perpetrated by none other than the king of Nintendo fanboys himself, I can’t help but feel as though much of what will be said in response to this is rather unimportant. Not to downplay the significance of feedback, because the vastness with which I appreciate it should never go unnoticed by all of you, but in light of the subject I’m going to be writing about from the true depths of my being, I ask if you all could forgo judgement and angry comments in lieu of positive discussion or civil disagreement.

That being said, I really think that someone bringing this subject to bear is long overdue, and while I’m certain I’m not the first to do it, I do hope that I can add a worthwhile two cents to the conversation, and get even more people talking. After all, video games are an art, and whether tradition-friendly die-hards want to agree with me or not, it is safe to say that the The Legend of Zelda stands high and mighty as the king of all this artistic benevolence.


Nintendo Week 11/10
The Legend of Zelda Main Theme Medley
The Legend of Zelda 25th Symphony Hollywood Concert Coverage
Super Mario 3D Land Launch Trailer
Super Mario 3D Land TV Spot
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword TV Spot
Iwata Asks – Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Lanaryu Desert
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – Lanaryu Mining Facility
Rayman Origins Trailer
Just Dance Kids 2 Video
Pet Zombies Trailer
Wipeout 2 – Wii Trailer
Monopoly Collection Trailer
Castle Conqueror: Heroes Trailer
Step Up! Trailer
Bloons TD Trailer

Shigeru Miyamoto discussed how involved he is with game development, the creation process for Super Mario 3D Land, and more in an interview with Weekly Play News.

Miyamoto said that he is “Continually playing the games and checking their content, and sharing my opinion with the development staff.” Though he places his main focus on three games, he is generally involved with about seven games at once.

Miyamoto told the site that the development staff are all seated on just one floor. He jots down his feelings on a checklist and presents them to a project’s director. He looks to explicitly state his directions/the reasoning behind his points.

Miyamoto also took a moment to comment on the development cycle of Super Mario 3D Land. In the end, the staff consisted of thirty people, though the team was made up of just two people at the start. It took roughly two years to complete development, according to Miyamoto. He believes that development progressed well.

Even though Miyamoto is a busy man, he still finds time to play games – perhaps moreso than you would have thought! He typically plays for ten hours a day. As Skyward Sword was wrapping up, Miyamoto was going through the title whenever he wasn’t attending a meeting.


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