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3DS Downloadable Titles

Takeyariman – 400 yen

Virtual Console

Lock ā€˜nā€™ Chase – 400 yen

Video Content

59 second 3D streaming video for Super Mario 3D Land
Zelda Flipnote Studio Oceania/European winners
3 Zelda: Skyward Sword videos
2 Zelda: Skyward Sword commercials


We’ve got our hands on another batch of Zelda: Skyward Sword art. These images show a variety of elements, such as item upgrades. The art also provides a look at some of the more mysterious characters in the game.

Head past the break for the art (spoiler warning as always)!

It even has the Zelda chime!

Nintendo Power celebrated the GameCube’s tenth anniversary in its latest issue by providing a listing of the top 25 games for the console. You can find the results after the break.

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