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New Love Plus trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

1. [PSP] Final Fantasy Type-0
2. [Wii] Kirby’s Return to Dreamland
3. [PS3] Idolmaster 2
4. [Wii] Just Dance
5. [Wii] Go Vacation
6. [PSP] Ro-Kyu-Bu!
7. [PSP] Makai Senki Disgaea 4: Fuuka & Desco-hen Hajime Mashita
8. [PSP] Ragnarok: Hikari to Yami no Koujo
9. [PSP] Senritsu no Stratus
10. [PS3] Gekijouban Macross F: Sayonara no Tsubasa – Hybrid Pack

Princess Peach will send you letters as you progress in Super Mario 3D Land. This is something that was briefly mentioned during the Super Mario 3D Land Iwata Asks discussion. The letters contain illustrations updating you about the status of the princess, with a hint of nostalgia.

If you’d like to see the set of illustration/letter screenshots, head past the break.

Watch out for spoilers!

Did you know that Resident Evil: Revelations will cost fifty bucks? I personally had no idea until a few moments ago, but that is the game’s actual price tag. That’s about $10 more compared to your average 3DS title.

Capcom believes that the increase in price is justified. A spokesperson said:

“Resident Evil Revelations is an all new Resident Evil title with over 20 hours of gameplay, and cutscenes beautifully rendered in fear-inducing 3D. A true console experience on a handheld device, Resident Evil Revelations is an epic title that offers both a single-player campaign for that classic survival horror gaming experience, and an additional RAID mode that can be played cooperatively or single player. To handle all of that data Resident Evil Revelations requires a 4GB cartridge, resulting in a higher price point.”

Although we’ve heard that Revelations is very comparable to the console entries, you have to wonder if this is a smart move. No matter how great it may be, selling a portable game at $50 could be tough.


Bionic Games, the developer behind Capcom’s Spyborgs, has shut down. Co-founder Mike Stout was actually involved with Activision’s Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure, so I guess that’s a pretty good confirmation that the studio is gone. Their website has disappeared, too.


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