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This game was released in Japan quite some time ago, but it’s finally coming to North America.

All of this information comes from Reggie Fils-Aime…

– Reggie: “High-def graphics, got it. Online capabilities, got it.
– Again, online news coming soon
– Single-touch controller
– Wii wasn’t unsuccessful with the hardcore
– 1080p
– No price talk yet
– Console will be driven by the games
– Zelda Wii U was an experience, Reggie doesn’t like the term tech-demo
– Reggie says Nintendo is good at keeping secrets
– [Hitting 45 million sales before announcing WiiU] was just a nice, figurative conversation. (The Wii has not yet sold 48m, yet WiiU has been announced).
– Competitive price point
– Will have a fantastic value
– You’ll be able to play those Wii games, but with a new experience.
– Geoff: You’re gonna have some big launch first-party games? (Reggie doesn’t answer)
– [About the console]: We’re not emphasising the console. It’s a box. We’re focusing on the controller.
– Doesn’t support Blu-ray


Wii U – 4 minute demo

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News | 1 Comment

Here’s what Reggie shared when it was said that Nintendo consoles’ online functionality have trailed behind the likes of Xbox Live and PSN….

“… Now we’ve got a system that will have all of that type of capability built in.”

Reggie was then asked whether third parties will be able to create their own Wii U networks and online worlds…

“Our approach [to online] will be a flexible one, literally taking the best of what each of our third party partners has to offer, marrying that with the best of what Nintendo does, and bringing that versus a more rigid, a more closed type of environment. We’re going to be sharing what we’re doing from an online perspective over the next few days.”


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