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Chase Mii video

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

Virtual Console

Super Adventure Island II (Super NES, Hudson, 800pts)


This information comes from Koji Taguchi, a senior executive officer at Square Enix Holdings…

“Because we merged with Eidos and had games like Tomb Raider, Deus and Hitman, as a company we were able to keep face. But the decline in Japanese titles was almost humiliating. This has been a week where I worried daily about how we can fix this.”

I was absolutely shocked by the lack of Japanese Square Enix titles at E3. I figured that Kingdom Hearts 3D would be a shoe-in for the show, at least!


This information comes from Satoru Iwata…

“Because we put so much emphasis on the controller, there appeared to be some misunderstandings. We should have made more effort to explain how it works. We haven’t made any kind of blunder, but I should have shown a single picture of the new console, then started talking about the controller. The console is not drastically different, and Wii U is about the controller. The console itself will be almost invisible. There have been two groups of people writing about our announcement – those like the Evening Standard, who have been able to experience the Wii U, and those who have not, and are simply writing about it from wire stories and pictures. They cannot see how this can be a game changer. What Wii U will offer is very different, but I believe we have the strong potential to change the entire format of videogames and of entertainment.”

Those who weren’t aware that Nintendo was going to show a new console at E3 could have been very easily confused over the announcement. The console was practically absent in most of the pictures shown on stage. Heck, even some of the more hardcore gamers were confused as to whether the controller was just an add-on for Wii.

Ah well… Nintendo still has well over a year before this thing ships, so they have time to get their point across.

Source 1, Source 2

Wii U game mockups

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Hmm… Okami Wii U? Yes, please!

Thanks to Izzo for the tip!


Yes, this is the real deal! But, unfortunately, we only have the boxart to show you, as official details are not yet available.

– Not a playable demo
– Two fighters faced each other
– Adjust the camera in real time
– Push the B button to see a different combat animation
– Camera could still be controlled while this was happening
– Asuka, Bryan, Heihachi, Kazuya, and Lili in the demo
– GameSpot claims the demo had some of the best 3D on the 3DS as of yet
– 60 frames-per-second, even with 3D enabled
– Namco Bandai aiming for 60 FPS in the final product


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