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This information comes from THQ core games boss Danny Bilson…

“We have Darksiders II completely running on the Wii U right now. It took about five weeks. Coming into the show we were ready to go. We could have demonstrated it on the hardware but they [Nintendo] decided not to have full games shown in the booth. But if you were to go into Vigil in Austin, Texas right now, Darksiders II is fully running on the new hardware. The Darksiders team was one of the first teams to get dev kits. We’ve had dedicated engineers on it working seven day weeks leading up to the show. I’ve got all the emails. We now have it running with the controller. So we could have shown it. Some of it [specs] is still in flux. There are still some improvements to be made to some parts of it.”

Bilson also said that Darksiders II will “absolutely” look as good as on PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. It’s just a shame that we couldn’t see it on the Wii U hardware. Nintendo’s letting Ubisoft show Ghost Recon, so they should have let THQ show Darksiders II!


I highly suggest watching this video if you’re interested in Skyward Sword. It’s direct-feed footage and I believe it shows some footage not demonstrated in other videos we’ve posted.


I wonder how long it’ll take for me to get used to posting about these games…


Update: To top it all off, PR can be read below!

So, Ubisoft is making Killer Freaks for Wii U. What’s it all about? Ubisoft shared the first details at a roundtable event today.

It’s being made by their France division, first of all, and it’ll be an exclusive first-person shooter release for the console. You may be interested to know that the full title is Killer Freaks From Outerspace. Supposedly, it’ll redefine first-person competitive action.

A trailer was shown (see below) featuring a man loading a gun, listening to the news and such in an alleyway. An alien arrives on the scene, and there were mechs there as well (this sounds a bit strange…).

Ubisoft also featured a demo of the title. Details include:

– Ubisoft has a lot of time to make sure the Ghost Feed is secure, so they’re not concerned about user data
– Ubisoft won’t say if friend lists and accounts are system-wide or just for Ghost Recon
– Won’t say if you can use two tablets at the same time
– DS experience helped Quebec team for Assassin’s Creed – on a bigger screen with better resolution and controls
– Can’t compare Wii U power to PS3/360 since the hardware is still evolving
– Wii U devkits aren’t final
– Will take some time to get used to the hardware
– Ubisoft exploring how to push the system in different ways
– Experience is important for Ubisoft, not how many polygons can be pushed to the screen
– On whether the Wii U tech raises cost of making games: New system, same people from a cost perspective; core teams are the same
– Getting other devs/consumers enthused about Wii U: Ubisoft was one of the lucky ones to get their hands on the system, players in booth seem to be having fun; hope other devs get excited and do cool stuff like them
– What is shown by Ubisoft today is what they’ve prepared quickly
– Ubisoft has other Wii U prototypes in the works, keeping those to themselves for now
– On whether playing Wii U with the gyro is tiring: Could just use minimal effort with control sticks/gyro, but accelerometer allows you to carry out shorter/faster movements instead of larger/more sweeping movements
– Can’t say if Ghost Recon can alert someone who is far away from the TV of events without having to pick up the controller, but the dev says it’s a good idea and will make note of it
– Ubisoft believes there’s still a place for local multiplayer, want it as a part of the experience
– Killer Freaks has online play
– Ubisoft not sure what the range of the controller is, still experimenting

At Nintendo’s conference yesterday, Ubisoft teased a brand new entry in the legendary Assassin’s Creed franchise for the Wii U. But the company was ready to start talking about the project at a Nintendo roundtable that is currently in progress.

The development team will be adding new features and expanding the franchise. This is thanks to the Wii U’s multi-core architecture and large memory capacity. Interestingly, the team will be incorporating the Anvil Engine.

Expect fast weapon selective, an interactive database, eagle vision or sense, alternative puzzles, and a helpful map on the controller.

It’s being made by Ubisoft’s Quebec team.

That’s all the details Ubisoft shared. Unfortunately, it wasn’t said if it’s a new game or a port, though Ubisoft promises that it’ll be the best Assassin’s Creed experience possible for Wii U.

Key details about Wii U were left out of Nintendo’s E3 2011 media briefing yesterday. In particular, fans have been curious about how the console will handle online functionality. Good news: Nintendo (or should I say Ubisoft?) has revealed some details at a roundtable taking place right now.

Ghost Recon Online for Wii U will include the following:

– Progression will be tracked on the console
– Personal account system
– Secure/flexible friends list
– Ranking and matchmaking
– Friend others online
– Track how friends are performing and their achievements
– Schedule matches with others while you’re watching TV
– Parental controls and a ban list
– “The ghost feed” to be available

– Use the touch screen to arm weapons
– Coordinate attacks and talk with others
– Scan maps with the controller
– Call out air attacks as well
– Gather intel and dish out commands, comparable to crosscome 2.0 in real life
– No need for a headset thanks to the controller
– Team play is important
– 3 classes: Assault, Recon, Specialist
– Interact with real-time information on a map
– Enemies, friendlies can be seen on the map
– Can click on positions, share strategies
– Players can decide on an area on the map for others to see and then you can coordinate an attack or defend the area
– Missle strike perk: aim with controller and steer
– Tablet can act as a drone
– Customize on the touch screen controller
– Capture domination mode shown at the roundtable
– Spin a 3D map on the controller
– Cover-based game
– Pull triggers for first-person view
– Done available on the controller and it can scan the perimeter and tracks the enemy
– Controller shows maps until the drone is used

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