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Nintendo Week 10/13
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Dowsing
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Skyview Temple
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Open Trailer
MotoHeroz Developers Interview
Just Dance 3 Trailer
The Hidden Trailer
SpongeBob Surf & Skate Trailer

Beenox has taken a crack at Spider-Man with two original games thus far. Neither title allowed players to explore a fully open world like the mostly well-received Spider-Man 2.

That will be changing with the video game adaption for The Amazing Spider-Man, as fans will finally be able to web-swing through the streets of New York City. Beenox officially announced the game today and shared a few details, including the open-world tidbit.

The studio also revealed that the game has been in development for over a year. You might be wondering how this is possible considering Edge of Time just shipped. Beenox’s Gerard Lehiany said that the company contains two different teams: one that worked on Shattered Dimensions/Edge of Time, and the other which is creating The Amazing Spider-Man.

The first trailer for the game was also shown for the first time. You can find an off-screen capture of the video here.


WWE All-Stars 3DS details

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

What’s in store for the 3DS version of WWE All-Stars? IGN provided the following details:

– New modes
– All previously offered DLC included
– Local online play
– Similar to console versions in terms of concept/characters/manic mentality
– Exaggerated moves
– Standard/cage matches in a 1-on-1 format for local online play
– Gauntlet mode: Face off against every superstar in a row with few opportunities to regain health
– Score scramble: tracks points earned throughout a match as players attempt to reach a certain limit in a race against time
– Situational uses of the touch pad
– Counter punches with the d-pad


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