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Army Corps of Hell
Lord of Apocalypse
Bravely Default
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Dragon Quest Anniversary Collection
Dragon Quest X
Final Fantasy Type-0
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime 3
Kingdom Hearts 3D
Fortune Street
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Chaos Rings II
Chaos Rings
Knights of the Crystals
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional

Nintendo has set up a little treat for Super Mario 3D Land. Fans can check out twenty screenshots of the game on their 3DS and view them all in 3D. You can also save them to an SD card and view them in the 3DS Camera application.

Head on over to the Japanese website here on the 3DS Internet browser.

Valve has never made a game for a handheld system. Based on a recent comment from the company, it doesn’t sound like they’ll be changing their policy anytime soon.

Regarding portable gaming, Valve’s Chet Faliszek said:

“We’re about people sitting on their couches or at their desks. We haven’t forayed into that space. It’s just not a space our engine has been looked at or optimized for.”

I wouldn’t expect Valve to make any titles for the 3DS, but this officially rules out any possibility. Let’s hope that they’ll be open to bringing some content to Wii U…


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