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It’s amazing that, by the end of 2011, three new Kirby games will have been released. Epic Yarn launched last year, and now Kirby Wii and Mass Attack are on the horizon. Oh, and there’s Amazing Mirror as well thanks to the 3DS Ambassador program!

Nintendo of America has confirmed two additional GBA titles for the 3DS Ambassador program. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 and Kirby & The Amazing Mirror will be included in the free lineup of games for early 3DS adopters later this year.

It’s kind of surprising to see that customer service representatives actually revealed information before Nintendo delivered the news officially. I won’t complain about it, though!


Senran Kagura scans

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Nintendo’s European divisions continue to show support for Xenoblade Chronicles. If you’re in France and register your copy of the game, you could be eligible for a free 200 page art book. The first 1,000 consumers to add the title to Club Nintendo will receive the bonus. Quite nice, isn’t it?!


Mega Man Legends 3 has been gaining fan support in the form of Facebook groups and petitions. One such campaign actually has well over 35,000 members at the moment. In spite of this, Capcom isn’t resurrecting the game any time soon.

Capcom spokesman Brian Keltner said the following regarding the status of Mega Man Legends 3:

“We are aware of the fan created Facebook page requesting that we resume development of Mega Man Legends 3. While Capcom has a built a strong relationship with its community and values their feedback, Mega Man Legends 3 development has officially ceased without plans to resume development.”

Since Operation Rainfall, petitions and Facebook groups have seemed more appealing. But, honestly, it doesn’t look like they’re really changing anyone’s mind…


Nintendo of Europe has released a brand new trailer for Xenoblade Chronicles. It contains a sneak peak at the game’s wonderful soundtrack, great gameplay, and huge, open world filled with characters and a one-of-a-kind story.

It’ll be released in Europe in just over two weeks. Get your modded Wiis ready!

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

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