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GamesTM review scores

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

PlayStation Move Ape Escape – 3
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 – 4
F.3.A.R. – 6
From Dust – 7
Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 – 7
Major League Baseball 2K11 – 7
Phantom Breaker – 6
Puzzle Agent 2 – 5
Red Faction: Armageddon – 6
Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D – 5
Solatorobo: Red The Hunter – 6
The Tiny Bang Story – 7
Trenched – 7
Wii Play Motion – 6

Thanks to joclo for the tip!

There’s at least one Costco out there that is selling the 3DS for $169.99. If there’s a retailer in your area and you have any interest in the system, you should probably try to head out there and see if it’s up for sale at this price. If you purchase the 3DS now, you should be eligible for more than $100 worth of free GBA/NES games. It doesn’t get much better than that!


Nintendo is bringing most of their E3 lineup to Gamescom 2011. One thing is missing, though: The Wii U.

Nintendo has confirmed that the console won’t be making an appearance at the trade show next month. On the bright side, attendees can get their hands on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario 3D Land, and a bunch of additional 3DS titles.


It’s been awhile, but Furry Legends is almost ready for release on DSiWare. The portable version was confirmed in 2009, but news has been quiet since then. Gamelion says that it’ll launch “soon”.

Furry Legends, the long-awaited physics platformer, coming soon to Nintendo DSiWare

Nintendo’s DSiWareTM service gets soon a new 2D physics platformer
Sunnyvale, CA – August 1st, 2011 – Gamelion ( announces today that Furry Legends will be available soon for purchase from the Nintendo DSi Shop™ on Nintendo DSi™ and from Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™.

You know, I really couldn’t care about the CD. If Nintendo of America were to release the game through their online store, I’d be fine with that. I just want to play this game somehow!

Nintendo announces that critically acclaimed RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles, will be available on Wii from 1 September 2011. In Australia and New Zealand, the first production of the game will be packaged with a limited edition ‘Special Soundtrack’ CD.

The soundtrack CD features 12 original tracks written specifically for Xenoblade Chronicles. This limited edition can be pre-ordered now from selected retailers.

Kyotokei trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Kyotokei launches on North American WiiWare on August 11th for 500 points.

ESRB updates (8/1)

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

DanceDanceRevolution II (Wii) – E10+
Nicktoons MLB (Wii) – E
Puppies 3D (3DS) – E
Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2012 (Wii) – T
Thor: God of Thunder (3DS) – T

This information comes from Yoshiaki Koizumi, the director of Super Mario 3D Land…

“As it turns out, I have too many ideas at the moment for Mario games on Wii U. I’m going to have to start narrowing them down and thinking about which ideas might work well together so that the whole system will be an enjoyable experience rather than a hodgepodge of ideas.”

Super Mario Galaxy 1/2 had some amazing, brilliant ideas. Those games were also filled to the brim with creativity. Although it’s far off, I can’t wait to see what Nintendo EAD Tokyo has in store for Mario on Wii U.


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