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There has been a lot of fuss lately about Nintendo —specifically Nintendo of America— slacking off when it comes to localizing Japanese games like Xenoblade and The Last Story. This made a lot of game-centric websites, including IGN, compare Nintendo-published titles that were exclusive to either Europe and America in an attempt to pin the blame on Nintendo of America “dropping the ball.”

That’s all well and good, but what about the games we never got to play in English? What about all the games that neither international branch attempted to translate? That’s why I thought it was worth taking a look at all the weird and wonderful games that never left Japan at all. Obviously there was a ton of stuff that was never translated, but I’ll be limiting it to Nintendo-published games released over the last ten years and leaving out a few unremarkable games (unless you really want to read about virtual Japanese dictionaries). As well as a brief overview of each game, I’ll speculate as to why they were never officially translated and then weigh up how much of a loss it really was that the game was never localized. This will be measured in the only unit that can accurately portray an amount of distaste towards Nintendo of America: Reggies.

Despite Nintendo’s statement saying that Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower will not be released in North America (for now at least), Operation Rainfall is still going strong. Fans continue to write on Nintendo of America’s Facebook page and send in emails.

Last week, the movement added a new tactic to their campaign: letters sent through the mail. However, Nintendo is simply sending out a plain, blanket letter in response.


Capcom, like many third-party publishers, have been mysterious about revealing any plans they have in store for Wii U. The only nugget we’ve heard about previously came from Christian Svensson who said that the company discussing how to approach the console.

Recently, Capcom Europe head David Reeves provided a few additional tidbits. Apparently Capcom has been working on prototypes, but weren’t able to show any content at E3 last month. Interestingly, Reeves hints that there might be some Wii U news at the Tokyo Game Show in September:

“Capcom haven’t announced anything officially on Wii U. I think they have done prototypes. There are only so many things you can get ready for E3 [laughs]. But they might show something at the Tokyo Games Show which is where Wii U is more focused on. I haven’t seen anything personally myself but since the companies are quite close, I am sure they must be looking at something.

“Some of the big names like Ubisoft and EA said that they will support it. I think Riccitiello was on stage at E3 and said ‘I am going to support it’, and when they say that, they will.”

A considerable amount of Wii U titles announced so far will be available on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. What does Reeves think about that?

“Never underestimate Nintendo though. You suddenly think ‘how have they managed to sell so many?’. Wii Sports and something like that…people play for ten minutes. They become tired and they stop playing. I think Nintendo will bounce back. I think they will come out with some original First Party titles. Nintendo has amazing First Party and that’s what drives it.”


Nintendo Week (7/18)

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments

In this week’s episode: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Kirby’s Dream Land, Captain America: Super Soldier and Mario’s greatest jumps.

To coincide with the Nintendo Channel updates, Nintendo Week will now be available on Thursdays instead of Mondays.

Ugh… this is some of the worst news I’ve heard in months. It just boggles my mind. Mega Man Legends 3 Project was incredibly ambitious and it was nice to finally see the series return after so many years.

While the full game was never officially greenlighted, Prototype was so incredibly close to making it out to the public. What was once a planned launch title for the eShop has fallen into the abyss. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like Capcom will be reviving this project in the future.

Read on below for Capcom’s statement and FAQ about the cancellation.

I still can’t believe this game is out, nor can I believe that I’ve already finished it! It seems just like yesterday when we heard about the game through a small leak on Nintendo’s E3 site. It was confirmed just a few hours later that the game was heading to 3DS.

It appears that one developer is already expressing significant concern about the 3DS’ sales situation at the moment. Zoe Mode’s, originally set to be released in September, seems to have been delayed. Studio head Paul Mottram said the following about their game and the 3DS overall:

“…now we’re finding that everyone is not knowing what platform is going to succeed – we did our first 3DS title – we got Crush onto that, but we had to delay the release of that because of the success of the platform.”

The thing that makes this confusing is that, as far as we know, the title is still due out in a couple of months. SEGA hasn’t announced a delay or new release date, but we’ll keep you informed about the situation.


I’m wondering when we’ll finally see some direct-feed footage of this game. I’m wondering how it looks in action!


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