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Just wanted to make sure we highlighted this news on the site. We posted the full press release earlier in the day which confirmed Rebecca Chambers as a playable character in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, but the notice also contained the game’s official North American launch date.

“For those who cannot wait until June 28 for some Resident Evil action, a new Resident Evil Facebook game is now available.”

June is looking like a pretty decent month for the 3DS between The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and The Mercenaries 3D. Hopefully the amount of high-quality releases continues as we head further into the year.

There are a few items on the list below that are confirmed, such as Excitebike and Mega Man Legends 3 Prologue. Zelda, Xevious and Super Mario Land are also likely based on what Nintendo has said previously. Other inclusions on the list are questionable and should be considered as a rumor until something official is provided by Nintendo.

3DS Ware – Rockman Dash 3 Prologue (200 yen), Petitcom (800 yen)
DSi Ware – import DSi Ware from DSi to 3DS
3D Classic – classic titles in 3D, Excitebike, Legend of Zelda and Xevious will be available
Virtual Console GameBoy – Ikari no Yousai, Phantasm
Virtual Console Game Gear – Sonic & Tails 2, Sonic Drift 2, Dragon Crystal, Columns
Virtual Console GameBoy Color – Super Mario Land, The Legend of Zelda DX (Demo)
Virtual Console PC ENgine – games TBA
Demos – 3D Video Player, 3D Game Trailer/Previews Channel, Fuji TV and Nippon TV Previews


Namco Bandai will be holding a press conference in just a few hours. The company will show off previously announced titles, and new reveals are expected as well. Nintendo fans can look forward to possible Tales of the Abyss news, in addition to other 3DS/Wii information. We’ll be sure to bring you the latest updates from the conference here as well as on our sister site. For the listing of conference times, see the rundown below.

BST 6:30 am
CET 7:30 am
Dubai 9:30 am
EST 1:30 am
PST 10:30 pm (Tuesday 10th)


Nintendo will be holding a 3DS Developer Conference in California one week from today. The company will discuss numerous topics, such as the system’s eShop and online functionality. I’m not too sure that we’ll receive significant news from the event, but keep your eyes peeled for any possible announcements.

WHEN: May 17th, 2011 <- DATE WHERE: W Hotel 6250 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood Ca WHO: Target audience is Producers, Designers, key decision makers regarding game features, and project green lights. This will not be a technical conference. The target audience will not be programmers or marketing teams.

The Nintendo 3DS System Comes to Life Blending Sound and Eye-Popping Graphics For the Ultimate 3D Arcade Shooter Experience

LOS ANGELES – May 10, 2011 – D3Publisher (D3P), a publisher and developer of interactive entertainment software, today announced that Dream Trigger 3D is now available for the Nintendo 3DS™ handheld system in North America. Dream Trigger 3D is a completely original arcade shooter where players expose colorful enemies using sonar and then blast them into multicolored 3D patterns to create a first of its kind handheld gaming experience.

“Dream Trigger 3D will test players’ arcade shooting skills and have them at the edge of their seats as they navigate through dozens of nightmare-induced stages in 3D,” said Peter Andrew, vice president of product development, D3P. “Dream Trigger 3D is the perfect visual showcase for the 3D graphical abilities of the Nintendo 3DS system and provides an experience never before seen on a handheld system.”

We found out that Rebecca Chambers will be playable thanks to an off-screen video shown a few weeks ago, but Capcom has just confirmed the news officially…

The S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team’s youngest member, Rebecca Chambers, gains some new experience in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D. An expert in the field of biochemistry, Rebecca is the seventh playable character to join the roster of this Nintendo 3DS exclusive.

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D delivers the fan favorite Mercenaries mode from Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, now remastered in full 3D. Well-known characters and locations from past and present converge into 30 missions as players aim to take down as many enemies as possible in a limited amount of time.

Update: Added higher-quality video.

The screenshots above show Rebecca Chambers in action, who was just confirmed to be a playable character in the title. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries also has an official release date now. The title will be available in North America on June 28.

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