Sudoku: The Puzzle Game Collection announced for Europe
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
HUDSON SOFT enters 3D realm
Puzzle game compilation leads HUDSON’s Nintendo 3DS™ lineKonami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced that HUDSON SOFT’s first title for Nintendo 3DS will be Sudoku: The Puzzle Game Collection, a compilation of popular puzzle styles due for release in May.
Sudoku: The Puzzle Game Collection is a test of mental acuity for the Nintendo 3DS, offering a choice of four puzzle game styles, including the numerical test that is Sudoku. Based on puzzles devised by world-famous puzzle maker Nikoli, the quartet is completed with versions of Hashi (Bridges) , Shikaku (Boxes) and Akari (Museum) – some of Japan’s most taxing puzzle styles.
Iwata talks 3DS sales targets, Mario 3DS, NGP, and more
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Satoru Iwata sat down with the Asahi Shimbun newspaper to answer a few questions recently. Iwata commented on sales targets for the 3DS, provided a brief Mario 3DS tidbit, and commented on the competition.
– DS has sold over 140 million units worldwide
– System has been used by over 300 million people
– Iwata said, “We’d like to increase this even further with the 3DS” regarding the success the DS has had (see two points above)
– Nintendo is experimenting with gameplay where Mario will run into the screen and hit blocks floating in the air
– Iwata: “We’re making software that is packed with the kinds of surprises and enjoyment that the 3DS can deliver.”
– Iwata told the newspaper that he believes monthly fees from 3G usage will decrease NGP’s customer base
– Iwata on developer success with the iOS platform: “We’re at a period where it will be difficult to keep the value of our content if we are unable to offer experiences that can’t be had on Smartphones.”
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
Iwata says no Wii successor anytime soon?
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
Update: You can check out Iwata’s direct-quote right here, as well as some comments about the 3DS.
Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata has apparently told The Yomiuri Shimbun that gamers shouldn’t expect a Wii successor anytime soon. Iwata pointed out that there are still seven million consoles sold in the United States each year and the console has yet to reach its limit. The Nintendo president mentioned that once developers begin to run out of ideas, it will be possible to start thinking about a new console.
Although an immediate console announcement is unlikely, perhaps Iwata will tease what’s on the horizon for Nintendo at his Game Developers presentation on Wednesday. His keynote is titled “Video Games Turn 25: A Historical Perspective and Vision for the Future”, after all!
The Bit.Trip series wraps up with Bit.Trip Flux, available on WiiWare
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Ride Along With CommanderVideo As He Completes His Mission and
Returns… HomeTORRANCE, Calif. – February 28, 2011 – Aksys Games, acclaimed
localization studio and leading publisher of interactive entertainment
products, announces the availability of BIT.TRIP FLUX today on the
WiiWare™ service for 800 Wii Points™. The BIT.TRIP series has come
full circle with BIT.TRIP FLUX, CommanderVideo’s final adventure.Grab your Wii Remote™ and get ready for classic paddle-based
gameplay as CommanderVideo returns to the screen. Whether playing in
single-player or two-player co-op, gamers will be faced with new
challenges to make even the most experienced BIT.TRIPPERS weep.
GDC director: Nintendo is in a position make announcements if they wish
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This information comes from GDC global brand director Simon Carless…
“We’re happy to have announcements around the show, and this year I’m sure there will be some. These days, publishers tend to have press showcases off-site to make announcements, and that’s fine with us, but GDC is about developers coming together and learning new things. That’s what we concentrate on. Having said that, we are actually very happy to have a big expo floor where announcements are made, and we still have our large keynote addresses which are sometimes announcement-led. This year we have keynotes from companies like Nintendo, who are in a position to announce things if they wish to.”
The Game Developers Conference has seen a shift in the past couple of years, so I’m not exactly sure what to expect… especially after the comments from Mr. Carless! Last year, the GDC staff said that show isn’t a place for announcements, but it looks like they’ve changed their tune this time around. I’m sure there will be a few reveals – possibly from Iwata’s keynote on Wednesday. Just don’t expect too much!
Super Monkey Ball 3D promo video
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Team Meat officially confirms cancellation of Super Meat Boy on WiiWare
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
This information comes from Team Meat’s Twitter…
“Meatmortem recap1: Wii and Wiiware canceled, but we are now 3ds devs so who knows what may happen!”
Well, that’s the end of that! I suppose the 3DS is the only potential way Nintendo-only gamers will be able to experience Super Meat Boy. Of course, that’s only if Team Meat chooses to bring the game to the handheld.