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Ridge Racer 3D trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Conduit 2 fact sheet

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments


-21 weapons

-Online Updates Support

-48 kHz audio

-Fully realized medals and achievements system that yields in-game currency: other player’s achievements can be viewed online from the game lobby

-Faster frame rate

Most of you won’t be able to understand what’s being said, but proceed with caution if you’re worried about spoilers!

Nintendo and Capcom® which is a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games today confirmed that they have entered into a distribution agreement for the forthcoming game Super Street FighterTM IV 3D Edition to be made available on the new handheld system- Nintendo 3DS which allows 3D gaming without the need for special glasses.

Under the terms of the agreement Nintendo will be responsible for the sales, marketing and distribution of the game throughout European territories & Australia, with Capcom remaining as publisher. Capcom will remain as the distributor in the Middle East. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition will be part of the stunning launch window line up for the Nintendo 3DS when the system launches across Europe on 25th March 2011.

PSP – 35,636
PS3 – 23,792
Wii – 14,547
DSi LL – 11,720
DSi – 8,990

Xbox 360 – 2,338
PS2 – 1,836
DS Lite – 1,528
PSP go – 198

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week.

PS3 – 33,190
PSP – 29,806
Wii – 21,291
DSi LL – 17,452
DSi – 13,416

Xbox 360 – 2,636
DS Lite – 1,956
PS2 – 1,629
PSP go – 1,208

Tecmo Keoi released a ton of screenshots for Dead or Alive: Dimensions today. The images give us another look at the stage from Metroid: Other M. Check them out below!

1. [PSP] Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Final Mix
2. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
3. [Wii] Donkey Kong Country Returns
4. [DS] Kaijyu Busters Powered

5. [PSP] AKB1/48
6. [DS] Pokemon Black/White
7. [DS] Ni no Kuni
8. [Wii] Wii Party

9. [PSP] Another Century’s Episode Portable
10. [PSP] Venus & Braves


Bigger and better is how we roll.

IRVINE, CALIFORNIA — JANUARY 26, 2011 — Atlus U.S.A., Inc. today officially announced a North American release for Shin Megami Tensei®: Devil Survivor Overlocked™, an RPG/SRPG hybrid for Nintendo 3DS™ currently scheduled to launch on the highly anticipated handheld in Summer 2011.

Considered one of the best RPGs of 2009*, the original Devil Survivor presented gamers with a novel premise: Tokyo is in full lockdown, the government’s swift, coldblooded response to a surprise demon invasion. While you and your friends must solve the nature of the interdimensional rift through which the horrific creatures are entering your world, saving the world is not your highest priority; staying alive, on the other hand, is.

– Character switching will be forced upon you
– The switches are sudden
– Suddenly switch while battling and when walking around town
– Key word “drop” relates to something falling
– 3D effect more about going in the screen rather than having things pop out
– Game not at a point in which a release date can be discussed


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