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The images below do indeed come from the stream of Sakaguchi’s The Last Story presentation. However, the footage was direct-feed, so the pictures should give you a decent idea of what the game will look like. Keep in mind though that because it was a stream, the quality isn’t as great as what you would see right on your television. Had Nintendo released more images of the game, I probably wouldn’t have done this. Enjoy the semi-screenshots nonetheless!

Update: Presentation now over.

– Sakaguchi is enjoying himself in spite of the fact that working on the game is taking a lot of energy
– Sakaguchi once again stated that the team is working extra hard on the game and acting as though it’s their last project
– Direct-feed footage of the game being shown from the beginning
– Starts off in Lizard’s Cave
– Tutorials shown in video form, but feel free to skip them
– Use the A button to take cover
– Hold B and walk to leap over objects
– Use B to guard as well (regardless of setting [manual or automatic])
– Press Z to show the targeting cursor
– Characters are in a bar following the Lizard’s Cave section
– At the bar, Quark explains that Count Arganon now employs them
– Press A and move the analog nub to dive and avoid enemy attacks
– Press Z to go into targeting mode
– Forest area shown
– Visit the forest after traveling via boat
– Enemies are included to attack weaker mages first
– Can make enemies slip if Wind is used on Jackal’s ice magic circle
– Enemies can heal their allies in their own circle
– Option to turn the camera control on/off for event scenes
– Another option can be used to make the A button forward through the events
– Kanan’s Holy magic forms a barrier
– Sakaguchi showed another scene at the bar
– A lady there informs Elza that many people have been at the bar, thinks it’s because of Kanan’s wedding ceremony which will be taking place in a month
– Can shoot bananas at residents in Ruli City
– Can customize the characters to make them practically naked
– Other characters talk as you move throughout a dungeon
– Uematsu’s favorite song in the game is the main theme
– Fujisaka likes the logo and main illustration the most in terms of art
– There is a secret element to the game’s packaging
– You will be able to use characters other than Elza for free-for-all online
– Mario Club was involved with the game for nine months
– Nine months is the longest ever for the Mario Club


Update: The presentation has ended.

Iit’ll be difficult to understand much of this presentation unless you know Japanese. I’ll be around to cover this event, though. I haven’t decided how I’ll be handling news on the site just yet (I may just do one post will most updates and separate updates if very important information arrives), but expect news in about a half hour!

Lost Levels seems to have gotten their hands on a rare, early prototype version of The Legend of Zelda. Quite a number of changes that have been discovered relate to the game’s difficulty. For instance, in the prototype, less enemies appear on screen and often weren’t as challenging compared to the foes you encounter in the final version. Other changes include differences in music, sprite design, level design, and more. You can check out the full list here. Also, you can download the .fds image here as well as the NSF here.





The Last Story details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

The Gurugu Race

– Human-like race
– Fought against man for hundreds of years
– The humans prevailed, Gurugu swept away from the continent
– Ties remain

Elza and Kanan in The Last Story

– Humankind’s force of arms has strengthened to fend off the Gurugu
– Canons on Ruli Island used on the Gurugu who come from across the sea
– Gurugu soldiers will attack Ruli Castle during the game, most likely from an airship
– Quark will join Elza and Kanan as well as a Ruli Castle knight
– Will form a party out of these four and take on the attackers
– Gurugu soldiers divided into types including swordsmen and mages

Tension Skills

– Skill gauge shown below Elza’s HP gauge
– Gauge builds up based off your actions in combat
– Full gauge will allow you to switch to command mode and access a special Tension Skill

Spreading a Magic Circle with Wind

– All characters have Tension Skills
– One of Elza’s skills is Accelerate
– Use this skill so that Elza can increase his movement speed
– Use Elza’s wind magic to spread Accelerate to other party members

Vertical Slash

– Vertical Slash is a skill that uses the environment
– Need to use columns or walls
– Elza can climb up the walls and leap down, thrusting his sword into the ground and dealing damage to enemies in a certain range
– Can combine the move with Elza’s Gathering Ability
– Vertical Slash move can make Magic Circles spread if you strike in the right spot
– Vertical Slash done in real time

Closer Look at Ruli City

– Naful Canal and Shokunin Street shown in Famitsu for the first time
– Naful Canal is a manmade river
– Designed to protect Ruli City from flooding during the rainy season
– Canal splits the city in two
– The two bridges are used to cross into Central Plaza (built atop the Canal)
– People fish and take walks along the shores of the Canal
– Fireworks at night
– Shokunin Street is a gathering spot for all sorts of workers
– Purchase equipment/accessories there
– Strengthen current equipment
– Access the appraisal system via a shop.
– Street is narrow, packed with people
– Equipment upgrade shop/appraisal shops are simply people running businesses from the street
– Shop menu will appear when you speak to them
– Need money and items to upgrade
– May unlock new skills and improve equipment properties when upgrading
– Weapons might transform into others after fortification
– Appraisal shop has to be used to identify items that are marked with a question mark
– Such items can’t be used until they’ve been identified
– Most items picked up from enemies and treasure boxes are assigned types at random
– May receive powerful items at the beginning due to this

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!



Cambridge, Mass. – Dec. 23, 2010 – Harmonix and MTV Games today announced that a four pack of songs from Paul McCartney, as well as singles from Inhabited and Siouxsie and The Banshees will be available Dec. 28 in the Rock Band 3 Music Store of downloadable content for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Wii™.

Rock Band provides the deepest and best selection of artists, songs and albums through the Rock Band music platform, which features more than 800 artists and more than 2,000* tracks via disc and download purchase (complete list of tracks at Rock Band’s gigantic music library dwarfs that of any other rhythm video game on the market. To date, more than 75 million songs have been sold through the Rock Band Music Store since its launch Nov. 20, 2007.

Rock BandDLC Additions for Xbox 360, PlayStation®3 system and Wii

Nintendo has yet to announce when the 3DS will be launching in North America and how much the system will cost. However, that isn’t stopping most GameStop stores from accepting pre-orders. A handful of consumers have confirmed that they have been able to pre-order the handheld starting today. If this is something you’re interested in, make sure to bring $50 to your local GameStop and mention SKU number 020132 if anyone has absolutely no idea what you’re talking about!


01. / 01. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom 3 (Capcom) {01/12/10} – 581.543 / 3.161.801 (-8%)
02. / 00. [PS3] Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3 (Bandai Namco) {16/12/10} – 185.908 / NEW
03. / 00. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3: World Challenge!! The Ogre (Level 5) {16/12/10} – 175.604 / NEW
04. / 03. [WII] Donkey Kong Country Returns (Nintendo) {09/12/10} – 152.990 / 316.300 (-6%)
05. / 04. [NDS] Pokemon Black / White (Pokemon Co.) {18/09/10} – 115.438 / 4.744.211 (45%)
06. / 00. [PSP] Shining Hearts (Sega) {16/12/10} – 106.733 / NEW
07. / 06. [WII] Wii Party (Nintendo) {08/07/10} – 92.949 / 1.411.824 (68%)
08. / 05. [WII] Mario Sports Mix (Nintendo) {25/11/10} – 87.114 / 299.534 (27%)
09. / 02. [NDS] Ni no Kuni: The Ebony Wizard (Level 5) {09/12/10} – 74.329 / 244.877 (-56%)
10. / 08. [NDS] Mario Vs. Donkey Kong: Miniland Mayhem (Nintendo) {02/12/10} – 54.628 / 163.929 (5%)
11. / 13. [WII] Kirby’s Epic Yarn (Nintendo) {14/10/10} – 46.392 / 304.600 (75%)
12. / 11. [NDS] Super Fossil Fighters (Nintendo) {18/11/10} – 41.103 / 161.748 (41%)
13. / 12. [NDS] Magician’s Quest: The Merchant’s Store of Sorcery (Konami) {11/11/10} – 38.140 / 175.195 (39%)
14. / 15. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (w/ Remote Plus) (Nintendo) {11/11/10} – 37.239 / 123.348 (52%)
15. / 07. [WII] Super Mario All-Stars (Nintendo) {21/10/10} – 29.872 / 742.861 (-44%)
16. / 17. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) {03/12/09} – 27.543 / 4.106.019 (29%)

17. / 00. [PS3] Castlevania: Lord of Shadow (Konami) {16/12/10} – 27.155 / NEW
18. / 18. [WII] Taiko Drum Master Wii 3 (Bandai Namco) {02/12/10} – 26.970 / 77.509 (27%)
19. / 00. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops (Dubbed Edition) (Square Enix) {16/12/10} – 23.253 / NEW
20. / 19. [WII] Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) {10/04/08} – 22.579 / 3.044.425 (+10%)

It looks like this may be the end of Nintendo’s super play videos for the Mario series…

Thanks to Chestah for the tip!

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