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I’d still like to hear what you guys think about the options below, so keep the comments coming!

After many hours of tinkering around with settings and files, I have successfully managed to integrate the main site and forum. I’ve actually wanted to do this for years – probably since I first started NE, in fact. Since my PHP and database knowledge is very limited (Java and C++ is my expertise, not Internet coding), linking the two wasn’t possible until I discovered a much easier way of accomplishing my goal (without worrying about coding too much).

So, here’s the deal. Every single post made on Nintendo Everything will now appear on the forum (with a link to the news post) on the new “Nintendo Everything news” sub-board. Additionally, you now only need one login for the main site and forum. If you’ve already signed up on the forum, you’re good to go. There’s one thing I need your input on, though. We have two options:

1) Disable guest commenting: You would need to register on the forum in order to comment on the main site, but again, you would only need just that one username – no additional login for the main site. If you’re logged in on the forum, you’re logged in on the main site (and vise versa). Likewise, if you post on the forum, it’ll appear on the main site (and again, vise versa!). I know a lot of you don’t have any sort of account (as a large majority of you are guest posters), but if you guys agree, this is something I’d really, really like to do. On the other hand, if this is something you’re not up for, I’ll hold off on it since I don’t want the discussion on the main site to die down! Basically, if you guys are willing to register for just one account here, then we can go ahead with this.

2) Enable guest commenting: If we go with this option, comments posted on the main site and forum will be split. So, let’s say I made a comment on this story. As you’ll be able to see, that comment will not appear as a reply on the forum. Clearly, this isn’t an ideal situation. If the first option is chosen, then everything will be in sync. The only benefit I can think of with this option is that you won’t have to log in at all.

The main reason why I’ve linked the main site and forum is because it makes things easier for everyone in terms of logins, and I’ve wanted to help promote the forum more as well as increase the discussion there (it’s kind of hidden, at the moment).

After we decide between the above options, I need to look into fixing a couple of things (such as the poll…) and getting a new design for the forum (it’s too bland and ugly!). But really, what you guys say is critical. I’m practically begging for feedback! I’m not doing anything until I hear from at least a few of you. Oh, and no – You don’t need to register just yet (unless you want to start posting on the forums right now). For the moment, commenting hasn’t changed.

Nintendo Download updates

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 2 Comments

– Fluidity demo on Monday
– Gaijin Games’ lilt line releasing on December 13
– Fireplacing (500 points) – Releasing on Monday
Game description:
“Who wouldn’t like to have a fireplace at home? Now you can turn your television into a fireplace, equipped with realistic graphics and a fire that will almost burn you. You must be wondering…but what is ‘Fireplacing’? The answer is very simple: ‘Fireplacing’ is exactly what it seems. You’re about to try the first hyper-realistic fireplace simulator for WiiWare. Because…how many times have you wished you had a fireplace at home? Now, for the first time with your Wii, you can turn your television into a fireplace. And what’s more, it’s not going to be just any old fireplace. It comes equipped with realistic graphics and a fire that will surprise you. Prepare the wood, light the fire and stoke it. Or, if you prefer, choose the ‘automatic’ option to have the fireplace on your screen while you eat with your family, celebrate a party with friends or dine with your partner…there are fireplaces for every occasion! Relax, it’s not going to burn you. We still haven’t been able to make that happen.”


Love Zombie video

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

Thanks to Jason for the tip!

This information comes from Grasshopper Manufacture’s Facebook page

“No, no information on a sequel to Contact now. We’re not working on any games for Nintendo’s older portable systems. ;-)… 3DS? What’s that? ;p”

Obviously, nothing was said explicitly. But it does seem as though they’re hinting at 3DS development! It wouldn’t be too surprising, as Suda51, the company’s CEO, has expressed interest in the platform.


This information comes from Wayne Cline, director of product development for THQ’s Kids, Family and Casual division…

“Our early reports are looking very promising, and I know we’re doing very well at Walmart, Best Buy and Toys R Us — outlets like that. And we’re getting really good first-look feedback from a lot of things like parenting magazines and such. It’s looking very positive. We got a SKU plan going on through 2012 calendar. Our next batch of software we’ll be releasing in 2011. We haven’t announced anything yet, but rest assured we don’t intend this to be a one-holiday, one-trick pony.”

I honestly didn’t know if uDraw would perform well sales-wise. I wasn’t sure if consumers would embrace the idea, even though it is a unique peripheral. It’ll be interesting to see how the sales are over the long haul, but at least fans can look forward to more software next year, as well as 2010.


Sneezies gameplay video

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

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