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Kids, Teens, Adults and Seniors from Coast to Coast Get Up and Get Playing in Final Round of First-Ever Nationwide Wii Tournament

WHAT: Participants and spectators from across the United States will come together in Los Angeles Sept. 3-5 for the Wii Games: Summer 2010 national championship. As many as 90 winning teams from dozens of qualifying events held throughout the country will join six sweepstakes winners to participate in this first-of-its-kind tournament event. Players of all ages will enjoy the fun of Nintendo’s groundbreaking motion-controlled video games as they compete for prizes and celebrate the active, inclusive spirit of the Wii console. Olympic gold medalist and Dancing with the Stars champion Shawn Johnson, the official Wii Games: Summer 2010 Ambassador, will make a special appearance to lead participants in a Wii warm-up session on Sept. 3.

Winning teams representing the categories featured in the competition, such as Teen, Adult and Super Adult, will receive prizes like custom Wii Remoteā„¢ controller-styled trophies, a Royal Caribbean family cruise, Netflix memberships, Wii prize packs and Panasonic entertainment systems during a special awards presentation on Sept. 5. Throughout the tournament, families, fans and spectators will also be able to enjoy activities such as noncompetitive game demos. Full details, rules and regulations can be found at

VIENNA, Austria – August 27, 2010

Broken Rules announced today that the award-winning platformer And Yet It Moves is now available for European WiiTM owners. The brand new WiiWareTM version of the hit downloadable PC game introduces all new levels, bonus modes and controls that will have players twisting and turning their Wii RemoteTM to rotate the game world while avoiding obstacles as they progress through colorful levels. The European release follows on the heels of the August 23rd launch in North America and is now available for 1,000 Wii Points.

Key features of the game include:

This information comes from issue 258 of Nintendo Power…

Goichi Suda (Suda 51) – President & director, Grasshopper Manufacture:

“My first impressions of it was, ‘This is the toy of the future.” You can feel just how far and how fast games have evolved when you see the Nintendo 3DS. We’ve entered an era where we can bring worlds that we can almost touch and feel to life. Thus far, 3D has only been expressed with 2D. I think we’ve graduated from that and reached an age of expressing real depth through 3D with the 3DS.”

Matt Bozon – Creative director, WayForward

“I’ve stood in line for a lot of Nintendo unveils over the years, but even expecting to be amazed, seeing the Nintendo 3DS in person induced a sort of visual shell-shock. The system is as hypnotic as Turkish Delight and looks like a Hogwarts newspaper. The demos that showed games, movies, and photography in the third dimension had to be seen firsthand to be truly appreciated, with elements popping off the glass or dipping into the distance. When my play time was over and the friendly (but strong) Nintendo lady wrenched the system away, my phone, laptop, and other devices became flat, boring wastes of Z-space by comparison. But what excites me the most about this fancy pants is that it’s in the hands of Nintendo, so the games are going to be as brilliant as the machine itself. Can! Not! Wait!”

Hey guys – Just wanted to remind you all that Game Night will take place tomorrow night. If all goes well, we should open the IRC sometime around 7 PM EDT. Remember, we’ll also be giving away a copy of Grease: The Game to the top two winners. Last week was very enjoyable, so I hope tomorrow will be equally as fun. I hope to see most of you guys there!

The two items added to Club Nintendo Japan are New Super Mario Bros. Wii straps and an Animal Crossing bag. The strap set costs 300 points while the bag is priced at 250 points.


Okamiden footage

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

Ah, yes…How can anyone forget WeeWaa? You know, the game that’s controlled by cramming a Wiimote into a plush puppet? Well, good news: the project hasn’t been abandoned! WeeWaa, previously known as WiiWaa was brought to GamesCom last week, and developer Zoink Games brought a new build to the show. You can check out some footage from the title below.


Monster Tale details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 1 Comment

This information comes from issue 258 of Nintendo Power…

– Peter Ong thinks his team may have gone too far with the difficulty in Henry Hatsworth
– Much gentler learning curve for Monster Tale
– Long-term strategic elements for Chomp
– Chomp starts off the game as a hatchling
– As a hatchling, Chomp can’t do much except float around the screen and attack a few foes
– Chomp gets experience points that unlock new abilities, stat-boosting traits, and alternate evolutions as he intervenes on the top screen
– Direct Chomp’s priorities with evolutions
– Can make Chomp more aggressive, more defensive, or more skilled at long-term combat with evolutions
– Each evolution form provides different abilities
– If you stick with a form long enough to master its abilities, you can equip them to Chomp’s other evolutions
– Some abilities change Chomp’s AI behavior
– Most evolutions are special moves that Ellie can use in combat by equipping them to a button combination
– Chomp can also interact with objects Ellie drops from the top screen
– Examples of object interaction: Kicking soccer balls at foes, bombarding the battlefield with a toy catapult
– Game has cute touches, like when Chomp puts on reading glasses when Ellie drops a book

This information comes from Peter Ong, DreamRift/Monster Tale developer…

“We feel very privileged to have the opportunity to express our appreciation for the best 2D games by exploring new ways to evolve their foundation, especially in an era in which those principles may be forgotten or ignored.”

“I believe that people want to be challenged, but that a game should communicate clearly, ramp up difficulty smoothly, and provide what the player needs to succeed as long as the player contributes to their own fair effort.”

“As Chomp grows and his abilities become more formidable, he becomes more and more crucial to protecting Ellie. These aspects of their relationship allow us to tell a story with some unexpectedly emotional moments.”

“I’ve become quite attached to Ellie and Chomp, and I feel quite the obligation to do them justice with the game that they deserve.”


And Yet It Moves – 1,000 points
Tales of Elastic Boy Mission 1 – 600 points

Nintendo DSiWare

Where’s Wally? Travel Pack 1 – 500 points
myNotebook: Carbon – 500 points
myNotebook: Pearl – 500 points

Etrian Odyssey III video

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 2 Comments

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