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Looks like we have a good reason to pay closer attention to in the coming days:

We don’t want to say too much, but I can assure you that this bit of news will be a total trip. We will have a critically acclaimed third-party Nintendo developer in the house to show off, for the first time, a brand-new game that is most likely going to be awesome. All their previous stuff has been, after all!

Hmm… I’m not entire sure what this could be! As the source post suggests, we could be looking at the BIT.TRIP FATE reveal, or maybe it could be something totally different! I really don’t know!

Via GoNintendo

SAN MATEO, Calif. – August 23, 2010 – Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced the appointment of Kazuhiko Abe to CEO and President of Capcom U.S.A., Inc. and CE Europe, Ltd. Abe is responsible for the overall management of North American and European business operations and will oversee the activities between the U.S. and European offices in order to promote efficient international operations.

Abe joined Capcom in 2003 as General Manager of Management Planning and in 2006 became the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Capcom in Japan. Prior to joining Capcom, Abe worked for various institutions such as The Mitsubishi Bank and telecommunications service provider Hikari Tsushin, Inc. before taking the role of Executive Officer at Intuit Kabushiki Kaisha.

The information below comes from an Iwata Asks interview about Metroid: Other M. At the moment, this particular part of the interview is in Japanese only, but a few details have been extracted from the discussion…

– On a dual-layered disc
– Mostly because of cutscenes
– Team barely squeezed in all content even with the dual-layered disc
– Seconds were taken off cutscenes to fit all of the data on the disc
– Purple Gravity Suit may not be in the game
– Team Ninja thought Samus would go through her usual color changes as she changed suits
– Yoshio Sakamoto felt the purple theme for the Gravity Suit looked odd/out of place during serious events near the end of the game
– Sakamoto asked the dev team to get rid of the look and find a different way of letting players know that the Gravity upgrades are equipped:

– No purple add-ons to the Varia Suit
– Lights on the chest glow purple instead


– January 2011 release
– $19.95
– Exclusive content in the DS version
– Adventure mode
– Survival mode
– Puzzle mode

Thanks to Anders Norén for the tip!


ESRB updates

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Combat Wings: The Great Battles of WWII (Wii) – T
Deal or No Deal: Special Edition (DS) – E
Def Jam Rapstar (Wii) – T
Defense Wars (DSi) – E10+
EA SPORTS Active NFL Training Camp (Wii) – E
GO Series:10 Second Run (DSi) – E
Learning with the PooYoos – Episode 3 (Wii) – EC
Sesame Street: Elmo’s A-to-Zoo Adventure (Wii) – EC
The Amazing Race (Wii) – E
Animal Boxing (DSi) – E10+
EA Sports Active 2 (Wii) – E
Haunted Hosue (Wii) – E10+
Imagine Fashion Stylist (DS) – E
Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ (DSi) – T
NBA 2K11 (Wii) – E
Paint This! (Wii) – E
Pheasants Forever: Wingshooter (Wii) – T
Solitaire Overload Plus (DS) – E
Fantasy Slots: Adventure Slots and Games (DSi) – T
I Love Puppies (DS) – E
Zhu Zhu Pets: Featuring the Wild Bunch (Wii) – E
de Blob 2 (DS) – E
Robox (Wii) – E
Angry Birds (Wii) – E

Rock Band 3 trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Another look at the 3DS

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 4 Comments

This information comes from Nintendo Power…

“Great, now my beside table is going to have an iPhone, an iPad, and a Nintendo 3DS. I think the question for how much attention the new Nintendo hotness will get is, like always, based on software, on games. Is somebody going to be able to make the darn thing sing? Or is it going to be a shovel-ware extravaganza (but now in glorious 3D!). Nintendo makes insanely good first-party stuff; we’ll see if the rest of us devs can follow suit.” – Ken Levine, President and creative director, Irrational Games

It’s interesting to hear how Mr. Levine feels about the 3DS, as he hasn’t been involved with Nintendo hardware at all. Perhaps one day he’ll consider making some software for Nintendo’s next handheld.

“Cases like this do take time to come before a judge. The popularity of the DS family continues. The consoles are still seeing fairly strong sales. Yes, there are people who already possess these devices and we don’t target individuals or potential customers. But the commercial pirates, those who were profiteering from our IP and third-party publishers’ content, we will continue to target those companies and those individuals. They are making easy money off the back of creative talent.” – Nintendo’s Euro anti-piracy counsel Neil Boyd

This is exactly why people who sell R4 and flash carts should be stopped. Honestly, the biggest reason people buy these things is to pirate video games that they could buy legally, and that’s entirely unfair to the developer of the game who put hard work and funds into making the title. Support developers, for goodness’ sake!


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