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Update: Official PR here.

Rumors of a gold-colored Classic Controller Pro have surfaced a number of times, even before GoldenEye 007 was officially announced by Activision. Today, however, the company finally confirmed that it’s the real deal. For $69.99, consumers will be able to purchase a bundle, which will include a copy of GoldenEye 007 and the controller. A stand-alone release of the game itself will also be sold for $49.99, the typical price of Wii titles.


Thanks to Ross M for the tip!

Are you ready for the launch of Super Scribblenauts on October 12?

Imagine all of the creative, descriptive and fun adjectives you can use to help Maxwell, the adventurous hero, solve puzzles and challenges and attain his Starite!

Now, consumers who pre-order Super Scribblenauts at GameStop will be eligible to receive their very own set of Maxwell’s headphones when they pick up their copy of the game at launch, so they can play the DS title in style. Quantities of this exclusive premium item are limited, so be the first to pre-order for the chance to receive Maxwell’s chic, colorful and plush headphones, available in three randomly selected styles: grey, polka-dot and camouflage.

Source: Warner Bros. Entertainment PR

Metroid: Other M is just around the corner, and Nintendo isn’t planning on letting the game go unnoticed. The company’s planning a big marketing campaign in the UK. You can check out the details below.

– Includes a ‘high-impact’ TV campaign
– TV ads will appear two weeks before release
– The ads will continue for a month on terrestrial and satellite channels
– Nintendo also planning online ads, which include banners
– Online ads will show up on sci-fi sites
– Trailers will be shown in theaters
– POS materials

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


Thanks to Johannes for the tip!


Nintendo’s internal sales figures show that the Wii™ video game system has now sold 30 million units in the United States alone. This significant milestone was reached in just 45 months. This further establishes Wii as the fastest-selling console in the history of the industry, reaching this milestone 15 months faster than the next best-selling console.

Wii launched in November 2006 and ushered in a new era of video games. The built-in motion controls of the iconic Wii Remote™ controller drew millions of new players to the world of video games. Kids started playing with their parents and grandparents, people got up off the couch and got active, and seniors and baby boomers formed virtual bowling leagues.

Galactic Taz Ball trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

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