Two boxart confirmations
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 6 Comments
We posted both of these boxarts previously, but now we have confirmations that they are the real deal. The first one is the Japanese Metroid: Other M boxart while the second one is for Conduit 2.
This information is based on data from Nintendo’s first fiscal quarter…
Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver — 1.69 million (10.09 mil. total)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 — 4.09 million (4.09 mil. total)
Wii Sports Resort — 3.02 million (19.16 mil. total)
Wii Fit Plus — 1.87 million (14.52 mil. total)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii — 1.10 million (15.81 mil. total)
Nintendo Takes Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies on the Road for Nationwide Sampling Events and Downloadable Treasure Maps
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Consumers across the United States will have a unique opportunity to come together and experience the new DRAGON QUEST® IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies game this summer as Nintendo offers interactive demo opportunities and special downloadable content at retail destinations from coast to coast. In addition to live game-play demos and the chance to enjoy the game’s multiplayer mode with fellow DRAGON QUEST fans, attendees who bring their Nintendo DS™ system and DRAGON QUEST IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies game card to these upcoming sampling events will have the opportunity to experience the game’s cooperative “Tag Mode” feature by connecting with other players and acquiring special downloadable treasure maps.
On July 31, select GameStop stores will host “The Ultimate DRAGON QUEST IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Experience,” inviting visitors to enjoy guided demos and connect with other DRAGON QUEST fans. Also at most GameStop stores, visitors will be able to access a special downloadable treasure map called “Zoma,” available for the first time in North America, via the game’s Tag Mode feature. Sampling events will also be held on Aug. 7 at select Best Buy retail locations, where attendees will have access to the “Estark” treasure map, available for the first time in North America.
3DS interview (price talk and more)
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Videos | 0 comments
Here’s what UK marketing manager James Honeywell said about the price of the 3DS. Keep in mind that, of course, he was mentioning UK prices of the DSi/XL.
“Price, we haven’t made any kind of announcement at the moment, but the Nintendo DSi is available for around 129.99. The Nintendo DSi XL, with the larger screens, is around 159.99. So obviously it’s going to fit, somewhere, kind of, within that kind of architecture.”
Well, that sounds pretty interesting. It doesn’t sound like the 3DS will cost consumers too much. At least we should finally find out for sure in about two months!
Thanks to Stephen E for the tip!
Nintendo release date updates show Xenoblade for North America again, Kirby in Q1 2011 for Europe
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments
Things to note:
– Xenoblade is listed for North America as “TBA.” However, you can probably tell that the game is still called Monado: Beginning of the World. I’m not sure if it’ll be given that name or Xenoblade overseas, but we’ll find out eventually!
– Kirby’s Epic Yarn is listed as “CY2011/Q1” for Europe. Unfortunately, this means our European friends won’t be able to play Kirby until early next year.
– Don’t get confused by the 3DS listing. It still is expected to be released sometime by the end of March 2011. We’ll find out the exact date in September.
– The Last Story is still expected to be released in Japan this year.
Thanks to Robert for the tip!
Nintendo quarterly earnings information
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
– First quarter (April – June) saw a drop in sales
– Nintendo said the appreciation of the yen and lowering of the DS price contributed to the drop
– ¥188,646 million in sales in the first quarter
– ¥253,498 million was the total of the same period last year
– Operating income down from ¥40,401 million to ¥23,342 million
– Super Mario Galaxy 2 has sold 4.09 million units worldwide
– Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, Tomodachi Collection have continued their success
– 3.15 million DS units sold, compared to 5.97 million units of the same period last year
– 123.04 million DS units worldwide total
– 3.04 million Wii units sold, compared to 2.23 million units of the same period last year
– 73.97 million Wii units life-to-date numbers
– DS software sales at 22.41 million units, compared to 29.09 million units from last year
– 740.93 million units of software so far in total
– 28.17 million Wii games sold from April to June, compared to 31.07 million from last year
– 573 million units sold in total since launch (not including downloadable games)
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
Nintendo to reveal 3DS release date, price in September
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 8 Comments
Even though the 3DS had a full blowout at E3, there are still two extremely important details about the system that have yet to be shared – A launch date and price. Retailers and analysts have made their own predictions, but nothing has been officially announced by Nintendo. Strangely, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said that the handheld will launch next year on an episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, though other representatives have been hesitant to confirm that information.
All will be revealed on September 29 in Japan, however. Nintendo PR manager Yasuhiro Minagawa recently stated that in addition to revealing the price and release time frame, target shipments for this fiscal year will be announced. It’s possible that the 3DS will be just one of many products Nintendo will feature, as a “fall conference” has become a tradition for the company.
Thanks to Robert and Thomas N for the tip!
Super Street Fighter IV 3D screenshots
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 7 Comments
Two minutes of new Metroid: Other M footage
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 4 Comments
We’ve seen just a tiny bit of this footage before, but most of it is new.