Furry Legends to be released on WiiWare next Monday
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Long-awaited WiiWare title gets new release date for America
Sunnyvale, CA – July 14, 2010 – Today, Gamelion Studios announced that the highly anticipated physics-based 3D puzzle-platformer “Furry Legends” will be launched on WiiWareTM in America on July 19th, 2010 for 1000 Wii PointsTM.
Until July 19th Gamelion is running a “100,000 Wii PointsTM” Facebook contest on www.facebook.com/gamelion where participants (US-only) can win Wii Points at the games launch in United States.
Source: Gamelion PR
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem – Hero of Light and Shadow Iwata Asks details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 3 Comments
– You can turn off “perma death” (there was no option in previous games, can’t ever bring back characters that die in battle)
– Director Kouhei Maeda feels the perma death feature gives the series its uniqueness, more emotionally attached to the characters, heightens tension
– Maeda said he’d reset the game when he didn’t want to lose a character
– Game development started while the team was also working on Shadow Dragon
– Wanted to do a remake quickly so that players can see what happens next
– There was an initial concern that players who didn’t play Shadow Dragon wouldn’t want to play this game
– Instead decided to make a “completely new” Fire Emblem, though Maeda said it is based off Mystery of the Emblem
– Has completely new elements
– Intelligent Systems had constant meetings with Nintendo throughout development
– One issue: How to open up the game for beginners
– Perma death feature brought up much debate – Nintendo felt that fallen allies return, but for the next map, while project manager Masahiro Higuchi agreed with Maeda’s beliefs and wanted to keep the full feature intact
– Heated dialogues over the perma death feature, series producer Tohru Narihiro remembered them happening daily and sometimes lasting late into the night
– Debate also happened with the Shadow Dragon remake, and other Fire Emblem games, revival system was in place but removed before release
– Design document for Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu in 1996 had “You can die up to five times” in it, and Higuchi protested this to the director
– Originally Higuchi felt the perma death feature couldn’t be negotiated
– Eventually decided that beginners might be put off after hearing that your allies could be permanently killed and they might not know about resetting the game to get the character back
– At first, the team tried making one of the difficulty modes in a way so that allies would come back for the next fight
– Thought advanced players would want to play on the harder difficulty but keep allies, so the feature was untied from the difficulty settings
– “Classic Mode” for perma death, “Casual Mode” for no perma death
– Took about four months to decide on the issue
– Time flows even when the game is off
– Characters go on their own to search for items, build experience
– See which items your characters found by visiting the pre battle prep screen
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
Top 100 best-selling games in Japan for the first half of 2010
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
1. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii – 1,401,895 / 3,887,045
2. [NDS] Dragon Quest VI – 1,293,916
3. [NDS] Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 – 1,194,584
4. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection – 1,012,437 / 3,324,385
5. [PSP] Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep – 728,286
6. [PSP] Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker – 727,823
7. [WII] Wii Fit Plus – 695,295 / 1,993,828
8. [WII] Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 613,290
9. [PSP] God Eater – 605,316
10. [PS3] Yakuza 4 – 552,531
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes North America/European release dates
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
We’ve just confirmed that Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes will launch in North America on October 12, 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Wii.
From the producer of Devil May Cry 4, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes finds players picking up the arms of more than a dozen samurai heroes each with their own unique weapons and battle styles. Players take on hundreds of worthy opponents and combat fantastic bosses across numerous battlefields in a quest to rule all of 16th century Japan. Utilizing upgradeable weapons, masterful special moves and deadly BASARA arts, players leave their mark re-writing Japanese history in blood.
Capcom has also confirmed that the game will launch in Europe on October 15.
Pokemon Black/White footage (first look at video chat)
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 3 Comments
Japanese trademark updates
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
??? Nintendo
??2010-039696 ???????????
??2010-039697 ?????????????
??2010-041203 ???? (Mystery of the Emblem)
??2010-041204 ?????? (Hero of Light & Shadow)
??2010-041538 ??????
??2010-042565 ??????
??2010-039550 ??????????????
??2010-039551 ??????? (RPG fishing story)
??2010-039552 ????????
??2010-039553 ?????
??2010-040481 ?????????
??2010-040745 ??????????
??2010-041402 ?????????
??2010-041981 ??????
??2010-042323 ??????????????????
??2010-042324 ??????????????????
??2010-042325 ?????????????????
??2010-042326 ???????
??2010-043500 ?????????
??2010-043501 ????
??2010-039968 ???????? (Atlantis auction)
??2010-039969 ????????????????????
??2010-040006 ???? (wheel of fortune)
??2010-040007 ????????????????
??2010-041938 ??????????????
??2010-041952 ???????
??2010-040486 ????×????
??2010-040490 ??
??2010-040167 ??????? (100 & medal)
??2010-040168 §????????????????
??2010-041309 ?????????????????
??2010-043313 ????????????????????
SNK Playmore
??2010-036810 ??????????????????????????????
??2010-036811 ????????
Atari’s iconic Haunted House lives again
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
– Original Atari Favorite Re-Imagined for a New Generation; Scares its Way to Wii, Xbox LIVE and Windows PC Download in Time for Halloween 2010 –
New York, NY – July 14, 2010 – Enter the Haunted House, if you dare. Atari’s classic groundbreaking game has returned with more chills, cool new unlockables and plenty of spooky new enemies. The terrifying fun that lies within Graves Mansion is back as Atari, one of the world’s most recognized publishers and producers of interactive entertainment, scares up its legendary classic, Haunted House — re-imagined for a new generation of gamers in celebration of the title’s 30th anniversary. Haunted House will take control of Wii®, Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and Windows PC Download this fall, with suspense filled challenges, new chilling environments and more frightful enemies than ever before.
Haunted House pays homage to the classic favorite as players fight for their lives in Graves Mansion as the grandchildren of the original character that disappeared without a trace in the evil mansion over 30 years ago. Chased by pesky poltergeists, haunted by scary skeletons and exhausted from battles with creepy creatures, players are in a goosebump-educing fight to explore the dark and creepy depths of Graves Mansion in search of the four lost pieces of the magical urn. The player’s goal is to reassemble the urn and defend their family’s legacy with the aid of mystical tomes, powerful light sources and multiple keys.
Okamiden details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 3 Comments
– Bombs making a return
– Once you leave Kamiki Village, you head out into Shinshu Field to meet up with Tama again
– Tama is ill, but you can’t get medicine from the local medicine man since his house has been taken over by demons
– You’ll later need to visit Onibi Market (a demon-only market)
– In order to get in, you have to draw a demon head for yourself on a piece of paper to wear