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In April, Professor Layton developer Level-5 announced their latest project in Famitsu called Time Travelers. The company only decided to share only a few select details about the game as well as a piece of art.

However, based on a comment posted on Jiro Ishii’s Twitter account, it seems likely that the title will receive a full unveiling at E3. Ishii, the game’s director, said that his preparations are complete and that it’s been ten years since he last visited Los Angeles. Time Travelers may very well be in development for the 3DS, as Level-5 CEO previously stated that it would be coming to “hardware that’s not yet in this world.”

Source 1, Source 2

The Last Story promo slip

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 3 Comments

Update: Added slips from Metroid: Other M, Xenoblade, and another one from The Last Story, courtesy of Inside-Games.

Interestingly, this slip is included in every copy of Xenoblade along with another promo for Metroid: Other M. Hopefully this means the game isn’t too far away from a release!


Namco Badai has been teasing a huge, new Pac-Man title for E3, but is this it? We’ll find out in a few days!


New Okamiden trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 7 Comments

I’m completely blown away every time I see new footage of this game. I still can’t believe Capcom has managed to cram the spirit of Okami into the DS. Also, it sounds like there’s a new version of the Shinshu Field music in the game!


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