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The Official Nintendo Magazine recently interviewed Eiji Aonuma. Aonuma discussed Zelda Wii, Spirit Tracks, and much more. I’ve posted a number of quotes that I believe you guys will find interesting, but you can check out the full interview here

ONM: How did you manage to release another Zelda adventure on DS so soon after Phantom Hourglass?

Eiji Aonuma: First of all, we have two separate teams, one working on the Wii version of Zelda and one on the DS version of Zelda, so it is not the case that now we have finished the DS game we are moving forward to the Wii version. No, we have already been working on the Wii version for some time and right now at Nintendo in Japan they are doing their very best in order to complete the product as soon as possible.

Talking about Spirit Tracks though, when we completed development of Phantom Hourglass, we decided we liked the touch screen system so much that we wanted to use the same scheme once again. Our mission was to try to launch this new DS Zelda game in a very short time period.

Thanks to Raiden for the news tip!

EDGE review scores

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments

Army of Two: The 40th Day – 7
Dark Void – 6
Darksiders – 6
Torchlight – 7
Alien Breed: Evolution – 5
Half-Minute Hero – 8
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories – 6
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers – 7
Max and the Magic Marker – 7
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars – 7
Starship Patrol – 8

Thanks to TheChoiceIsYours for the news tip!

These figures are a bit different from what we’ve posted in the past, but they should be close (if not almost exact) to the Media Create data. The estimates below come from Japanese blog “thedrill”, which has correctly estimated Media Create figures in previous instances.

PSP 69,000
Wii 55,300
PS3 33,400
DSi LL 30,300
DS? 26,700

DS Lite 5,900
Xbox 360 4,800
PSP go 2,300
PS2 2,200


01. [PSP] Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep – 177,000 / 623,000
02. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii – 139,000 / 3,006,000
03. [WII] Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles – 73,000 / NEW
04. [DS] Tomodachi Collection – 55,000 / 2,651,000
05. [WII] Wii Fit Plus – 42,000 / 1,516,000

06. [PSP] Tekken 6 – 25,000 / NEW
07. [DS] Last Window – 25,000 / NEW
08. [DS] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks – 22,000 / 489,000
09. [WII] Wii Sports Resort – 22,000 / 1,691,000
10. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 2 – 22,000 / 1,033,000
11. [DS] Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver

12. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII
13. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best)
14. [PSP] Phantasy Star Portable 2
15. [WII] Mario Kart Wii
16. [DS] New Super Mario Bros.

17. [PS3] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
18. [WII] Taiko Drum Master Wii 2
19. [PSP] Kentoushi: Gladiator Begins
20. [PS3] Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
21. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010
22. [WII] PokePark Wii: Pikachu’s Great Adventure
23. [WII] Momotarou Dentetsu 2010 Senkoku Ishin no Hero Daisyuugou ! No Ken
24. [DS] Layton Kyouju to Majin no Fue

25. [PS3] Batman: Arkham Asylum
26. [360] Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
27. [WII] Samurai Warriors 3
28. [PSP] Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam Next Plus
29. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010
30. [DS] Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

– Called Minna no Osusume Selection (Meet Everyone’s Recommendation Selection)
– The lineup of games is based on titles that received a bronze/silver/gold/platinum on the Nintendo Channel
– 428, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Arc Rise Fantasia, Family Ski World Ski & Snowboard, One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 1, Tales of Symphonia: Ratatoskr no Kishi, Dragon Ball Z Sparking! Meteor are the budget titles
– New prices will take effect on 2/25
– ¥2,800 for each title
– It isn’t clear if there will be future budget titles, nor is it known if Nintendo games will a part of the budget program


Tyrone Rodriguez, head of Nicalis, had this to say when asked if the company has looked into other consoles/handhelds for future titles…

“Yes, and we’re licensed to develop on Wii, PSP, iPhone as well as DSi. Mr. Amaya has a DSi and likes the idea of small mini-games such as the ones on DSiWare — especially on the Japanese store. I’d like to get his other games, Guxt and Ikachan on DSiWare; they seem very appropriate for it.

Nicklas also has some solid ideas and thinks Knytt Stories would be great for DSi or PSP. There’s actually a Knytt Stories prototype homebrew by a fan and it’s enough proof-of-concept that the game would work well on DSi.”

I would love to see Nicalis tackle DSiWare in the future. For now, however, I’d like to see some of their WiiWare projects. I’m still waiting for Cave Story!

Thanks to Robert for the news tip!


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