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The Wii U version of Runner2 looks like it could be the definitive version of the game.

As many of you know, it will be possible to play the entire title directly on the GamePad through off-TV play. Gaijin has also confirmed that Runner2 will feature the best overall load times on Wii U out of any of the consoles. While loading may be slightly slower at first, “it speeds up as you play since we can keep more content in memory, which means fewer loads overall.”

Gaijin wrote in a blog post today:

“The clear difference with the Wii U version is that you can play the entire game on either your gamepad or your TV. Also, because it is the newest platform with the most memory, it has the best overall load times of any of the consoles. Initial loading may be a bit slower, but it speeds up as you play since we can keep more content in memory, which means fewer loads overall.”


Another first-party 3DS release has been accompanied by a new puzzle on the handheld. Users can now begin to fill up a puzzle for Brain Age: Concentration Training.

Hit up the StreetPass Mii Plaza and then check out the Puzzle Swap section to get started. Also note that you should be receiving a SpotPass notification containing a first piece.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

EA announced Mass Effect 3: Citadel earlier today. Like some of the game’s other DLC, the company has no news about it coming to the Wii U.

An EA representative stated:

“There are no plans to bring Citadel to the Wii U at this time.”

You do have to wonder what’s going on here. The Wii U is capable of handling DLC, so why is EA (and/or BioWare) slacking? The same goes for Black Ops II…


Homebrew has always been a thorn in Nintendo’s side from their perspective, but a lot of people use the “hack”– including myself at one point– to run goofy indie games, fun applications, and to expand the functionality of their console. One of the lesser-used features of homebrew is open game development. A lot of people can’t get 3DS dev kits for various reasons, so they resort to hacking the console, making “homebrew” games, and releasing them to the homebrew community. The inevitable consequence of this is that people mis-use the hacks and pirate games that people worked hard on.

Goodbye Galaxy Games is working on a potential fix, however, that lets you create and test your homebrew games with nothing more than free PC software and a small 3DS app– all without having to hack the console, and they say that the games can exist without the piracy.

We had all these talks about piracy and homebrew the last few weeks. And the problems with homebrew is that most of these hacks later get abused for piracy means. Now imagine you can just use your retail 3DS to make games, and you don’t need to hack it! No need for a R4 card! No need for weird custom hardware or tools! No need for piracy!

– Goodbye Galaxy Games lead Hugo Smits

The real question for them is whether Nintendo would allow them to release this piracy-free development software on the eShop like they’d like to. I would doubt it, but maybe the Big N is feeling humbled considering the sales of Wii U lately!

Via Goodbye Galaxy Games Blog

Retro City Rampage has finally been dated for WiiWare – it’s due out next week in both North America and Europe. The game will be available for 1000 Wii points, which is $5 less than the HD version.

On Wii, Retro City Rampage will support the Wii Remote, Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro and Game Cube Controller. There’s also optional Wii remote shaking to pick up and throw items.

Developer VBlank will also be packing in a “Prototype Version” of Retro City Rampage. It can be accessed through the game’s arcade alongside Virtual Meat Boy, Bit.Trip: Retro City, and Epic Meal Time.


Fire Emblem: Awakening can purchase new downloadable content starting toady. The Lost Bloodlines 1 map will provide players with Leif as a playable character upon compleition.

Pricing for the Lost Bloodlines 1 map is set at $3. You’ll be able to buy all three maps in a bundle for $6.


Ubisoft was one of the biggest early supporters of Wii U. You could probably make a case that the publisher still is putting forth its best effort on the console by bringing titles such as Watch Dogs.

At the same time, Ubisoft has been a bit mum on Wii U as of late. It was also unexpected how the company delayed Rayman Legends on Wii U just weeks before the game was intended to ship so that it could churn out new versions at the same time.

But Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said that there is “no problem with the Wii U” while speaking with Gamekult. He also spoke about the move to push back Rayman Legends:

“No problem with the Wii U. In fact, we saw the opportunity, by giving more time, to have the best game ever made for the Wii U. Teams began to show what they made with the whole social aspect, which they will release in April. This makes it possible to make a social part which was impossible until now, and additional bosses. The goal is to make one of Ubisoft’s best games. The team is fully on Wii U to do that, but it also works on other generations, to arrive on several generations at the same time.”

Regarding Wii U sales, Guillemot noted that Ubisoft “can not say we’re satisfied”. He added that sales in the US “were good” in November and December, but took a downturn last month:

“We can not say we’re satisfied with the sales of the Wii U. They were good in the United States in November / December, but did not go well in January 2013. We’re waiting to see the evolution of things, we look at this closely.”

Source, Via

If you boot up the Zelda community on Miiverse today, you’ll notice that there’s a new message from series producer Eiji Aonuma.

Aonuma touched on the news that Japan will be receiving The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/Ages on the 3DS eShop next week. He confirmed that a North American release is planned, though “it’ll be a little while longer till they’re out in other territories.” Aonuma asked fans for their patience.


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U demos

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Trine 2: Director’s Cut

Wii U Virtual Console

F-Zero – 30 cents

3DS demos

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

3DS Virtual Console

Yoshi – $4.99

3DS retail

Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan – $39.99

3DS Download

Picdun 2: Witch’s Curse – $4.99
Viking Invasion 2 – Tower Defense – $7.99

Source: Nintendo PR

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