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Deep Silver will be supporting Wii U. When asked about any plans for the console, the company said that it does intend to make games for the console.

For Wii, Deep Silver didn’t exactly throw a lot of support at the system. But the publisher did give the console Cursed Mountain, one of the few “mature” Wii games at the time.


Cave Story creator Daisuke Amaya has finally revealed his next game. At the BitSummit event in Japan, Amaya announced Gero Blaster, a brand new 2D action/platformer for the iPhone.

Players will take on the role of Kaeru as he searches for his kidnapped girlfriend on an “unknown planet.” Kaeru wields a gun as you guide him through different areas.

So why are we posting about an iOS title on Nintendo Everything? Well, it appears that Gero Blaster will be heading to the 3DS as well. Nicalis’ Tyrone Rodriguez tweeted a photo that appears to show the game running on Nintendo’s portable:

Gero Blaster will be released in May.

Source 1, Source 2

With Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Level-5 prepared downloadable puzzles for a full year. The company is keeping the tradition going with Azran Legacies. Level-5 will release 20 standard puzzles alongside a brand new puzzle each day for a total of 385 puzzles.

Players are free to tackle each download separate from the story. Keats has returned to help players keep up-to-date about puzzles they have yet to complete in previous area. Visit the Bostonias Airship to find Keats, who will list all uncompleted puzzles.


3DS owners will be able to get their hands on Mega Man 3 on March 14. The game will be available through the eShop. Mega Man 4, 5, and 6 will launch in April, May, and June respectively.

Capcom says the following when it comes to Mega Man’s 25th anniversary:

There are also a few other items we’re cooking up that aren’t quite ready to be revealed, either because the deals aren’t done or we don’t have something specific to show. But the moment we do, it’ll be right here.

Our Western efforts for MM25 continue all year. There will be more.


Shigeru Miyamoto is back again! Below you’ll see what Miyamoto has to say when it comes to his favorite parts from Hyrule Historia and top Famicom games.


When Nintendo said they were trying to be indie friendly (or rather, indie developers said Nintendo was trying to be indie friendly), I was honestly pretty skeptical given the Big N’s past with digital download shops, but today yet another game developer has said they’ll likely bring their next game to the Wii U if they reach their Kickstarter goal.

“We are already licensed Nintendo developers and have Wii U dev kits that we’ll be using to get it up and running on Wii U. If we get funded we will try to bring it to as many platforms as possible with the funds we get and will use the profits from the game to bring it to consoles we couldn’t afford prior. Long story short, yes, we hope to bring it to the Wii U as quickly as possible.”

– Robotoki statement

Robotoki’s game The Adventures of Dash is a really artistically interesting sidescrolling puzzle game that’s coming to PC in the future, and I would be completely okay with seeing it hit Wii U as well! I absolutely love how many developers we’re seeing say “Yea, we’ll definitely try and bring our game to Wii U”, and I can’t help but feel a teeny tiny bit of extra joy that they’re only mentioning Wii U as of now– no other systems. Nintendo might finally be doing download shops correctly!

You can give The Adventures of Dash your dollars by clicking here!

Via Nintendo Life

David Byers, the sole creator of Another Castle, is currently hard at work on completing the platformer. But what lies ahead for the future?

While he can’t officially confirm anything at present, Byers is thinking about “making a tiny, quirky project from the ground up just for the Wii U.” It wouldn’t be a platformer like Another Castle, and it would “look completely different”.

“I’m considering making a tiny, quirky project from the ground up just for the Wii U. Mainly just for fun. I don’t have any specific plans yet, all I know is it won’t be a platformer, and it will look completely different from Another Castle.”


Yet another interview with Shigeru Miyamoto has gone live. TIME quizzed the legendary game designer about a series of topics, including Wii U’s launch titles, new IPs, the core vs. casual demographics, and whether his younger self could have foreseen what has happened in the industry over the past few decades.

Read up on all of Miyamoto’s responses below.

Mojang’s Jens Bergensten was quoted as saying earlier this week that a Wii U version of Minecraft is “very unlikely.” But his words weren’t intended to be looked upon as a big negative for Nintendo’s console.

Bergensten has since clarified that when it comes to bringing Minecraft to new platforms, “Wii U is no more likely than any other platforms, but no less either.”

“The reason I said that is that the Wii U hasn’t even been mentioned when we’re talking about Minecraft platforms. However, I’m only responsible for the PC and Pocket editions, so the question wasn’t mine to answer. The Wii U is no more likely than any other platforms, but no less either.”

Would Minecraft on Wii U be something that you guys would like to see?


Team Meat could support Nintendo platforms in the future… under one condition. Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes, the studio’s primary staffers, want to see Meat Boy in a Smash Bros. game. If the character made it into the upcoming Wii U/3DS releases, Team Meat would be more than happy to make Mew-Genics – the company’s next game – for Nintendo.

McMillen: “I want Meat Boy to be in Smash Bros. That would be the one reason I’d really want to develop for a Nintendo console.”

Refenes: “That would be amazing! If they could guarantee us Meat Boy would be in Smash Bros., we would do something.”

McMillen: “Nintendo are you listening? Smash Bros! We would ask for nothing in return. Just f***ing use the character. Put him in the game. It’s free!”

Refenes: “If they wanted Mew-Genics or something and they could promise us Meat Boy would be in the game we’d develop Mew-Genics for them. Not exclusively, of course. This is how they would buy it from us. And that’s a very cheap price.”

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