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Battleship DS footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

The Battleship games came out in Europe a couple of weeks ago, and will arrive in North America two weeks from today. Activision never shared any in-game footage of Battleship DS, so here’s a video for you!

Cat Frenzy was included in Europe’s Nintendo Download report for May 3. Teyon has now officially announced the game and provided details about the DSiWare release.

The announcement as well as a trailer are included below.

Bird Mania 3D will be available in North America on May 3 for $1.99. The game is also hitting Europe later this month.

Source: Teyon PR

Even though this is slightly creepy, it’s strangely amusing. Village People’s “Macho Man” is a surprisingly good fit for this video…

Enjoy this weekend’s randomocity!

Thanks to Jordan N for the tip.

As we reported back in February, Nintendo will be shutting down the Wii no Ma channel in Japan today. The service’s staff came up with the nice, short goodbye shown in the video above before its termination.

Pokemon Smash showed a new round of Black/White 2 footage on yesterday’s episode. One of the main point’s we can take away from the video is that Keldeo is #298 in the game’s Unova Pokedex.


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