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There’s no question in my mind that I’ll be picking Rayman Origins up eventually. The thing is, I have no idea which version to get! I could go with the Wii or PS3 versions, or wait for the 3DS one so I’ll have it with me on the go. Decisions, decisions…


Consumers who purchase the limited edition version of Beyond the Labyrinth from Konami’s online shop will receive a “2012 AR Calender.” The item is essentially a tabletop calender with AR markers.

The white-haired female shown in trailers/screenshots will appear in a variety of costumes after you scan a particular month. Additionally, following special events in the game, the girl can be seen in costume.

An example of the AR functionality can be seen above.


Before watching the footage, please be aware that it contains some spoilers.


Yep, Elijah Wood is a fan of Zelda! He’s been playing the series since the original game launched in 1987. He must have been around six then…

You can find another video featuring Cody Rhodes here and Clare Grant/Seth Green here.

Second video can be found after the break. It’s somewhat spoilerish…

Fishing Resort trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

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