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3DS eShop

Two additional games are sale on the 3DS eShop.

First, Big Bass Arcade: No Limit can be purchased for $4.99 until October 3. Soccer Up 3D is also on sale for $3.99 until October 24.


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
San Goku Shi (Romance of the Three Kingdoms, retail title) – 4,500 yen (from 9/19)
Nobunaga no Yab? (Nobunaga’s Ambition, retail title) – 4,500 yen (from 9/19)
Mushibugyo (retail title) – 5,980 yen (from 9/19)
Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (retail title) – 2,000 yen (from 9/19)
Gureko Kara no Ch?sen-j?! Keisan no Shiro to Obake-tachi Hiki-san DEMO – FREE
Gureko Kara no Ch?sen-j?! Keisan no Shiro to Obake-tachi Wari-san DEMO – FREE
Maru G?kaku! Hisho Kentei DEMO – FREE
Maru G?kaku! Kihonj?h? Gijutsushasha Shiken DEMO – FREE
Maru G?kaku! ?y?j?h? Gijutsusha Shiken DEMO – FREE

Virtual Console
Kanshakudama Nage Kantar? no T?kaid? Goj?san Tsugi (Famicom)

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
ARC Style Yaky? (Baseball)!! SP – 800 yen

Virtual Console
Famicom Mukashi Banashi Shin Onigashima (Zengohen) (Famicom) – 500 yen


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U retail

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD – $49.99 (available at 12:01 a.m. on Sept. 20)
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure – $59.99 (available Sept. 24)

Wii U VC

Super Mario Bros. – $4.99

3DS retail

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure (available Sept. 24) – $39.99
FIFA 14 (available Sept. 24) – $39.99
Shifting World – $7.99
Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi – $34.99

eShop sales

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate – 50% off Wii U and 3DS versions until 9 a.m. on Sept. 22
Chasing Aurora – $4.99 until 9 a.m. PT on Oct. 3

3DS download

Rage of the Gladiator – $6.99
AiRace Speed – $4.99
Mahjong 3D – Essentials – $2.99
Star Wars Pinball – $6.99


Solomon’s Key – $4.99


Tales to Enjoy! The Ugly Duckling – $1.99 / 200 points
Tales to Enjoy! Three Little Pigs – $1.99 / 200 points

Source: Nintendo PR

Update: A separate staffer from Castle Pixel has informed us that the 3DS confirmation “was a mistake.” However, the system is still being considered for Rex Rocket. It’s “definitely still on our list of platforms we want to hit,” according to Castle Pixel’s Robert Maher. Maher added that depending on how Rex Rocket performs on Wii U, the team is “going to push” for a 3DS version as well.

Castle Pixel confirmed Rex Rocket for the Wii U eShop last month after revealing its status as an official Wii U developer. Prior to this, we had also heard talk of a 3DS version, but there hadn’t been any mention of the platform in recent weeks.

But no need to worry – Rex Rocket is also set for the 3DS. Castle Pixel shared the news with us, stating that a release is planned sometime in the future (alongside Wii U).

Castle Pixel’s first goal is to release Rex Rocket on PC via Steam Greenlight. The studio is hoping to secure some votes from fans – you can visit the official Greenlight page here.

Previously-announced Mega Man titles for the 3DS Virtual Console aren’t out as of now. We’re talking about the Game Boy releases Mega Man II, III, IV, and V, as well as Mega Man Xtreme 1 and 2 for Game Boy Color.

You can rest assured knowing that Capcom is working on things. While the company doesn’t have any dates to announce, Capcom’s Brett Elston hopes to have games ready to go by the end of this year.

Elston wrote on the Capcom-Unity boards:

Still no concrete date set. There’s still a fair amount of coordination that has to happen among NOA/CUSA/Capcom Japan/Nintendo Japan, plus slotting in games when Thursday is the only day, per week, when VC games hit Wii U / 3DS. I would love to get them out this year—and am pushing for that—but it’s a bigger task than me simply setting a date.

But yeah, they’re definitely still coming (+ Xtreme and Xtreme 2).

Source, Via

Star Wars Pinball is finally coming out on the 3DS this week. Its arrival is several months later, with the console versions launching months ago.

Speaking with BeefJack, Zen Studios’ Mel Kirk explained that the wait was longer on 3DS due to the complex nature of creating pinball titles in 3D. The 3DS also has its limitations “that makes the process take even longer.”

However, Kirk noted that Zen Studios is “certainly committed to the platform and 3DS players. It just takes a little longer to get things to the platform.”

“Pinball in 3D is pretty complex, and we have certain limitations with the 3DS hardware that makes the process take even longer. I am afraid we will likely always be behind with 3DS, but we are certainly committed to the platform and 3DS players. It just takes a little longer to get things to the platform.”

“I would like to say thank you to all the players who support Zen Studios. We can continue doing what we love only because players are willing to support us. Apologies for the time it has taken to get Star Wars Pinball to the 3DS, but we could not rush this and give you a sub-par experience.” – See more at:


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