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3DS eShop

This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
?mori Ikimono Zukuri Crea-toy (Freakyforms Deluxe) – 1,200 yen
The Rolling Western: Saigo no Yojimbo (Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger) – 2,000 yen
Card Fight!! Vanguard Ride to Victory!! (retail title) – 4,700 yen

Virtual Console
Sky Kid (Famicom) – 500 yen
Ripple Island (Famicom) – 500 yen

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Othello – 500 yen

Video Content

Sky Kid video
Ripple Island video
Chari Hashi preview videos
Witch and Hero video
NicoNico video application video
Detective Conan 3DS video
Tomodachi Collection commercials
Kippa’s English Classroom video
Guild02 interviews


This month’s GamesTM review scores are as follows:

BioShock Infinite – 10
Gears of War Judgment – 7
LEGO City: Undercover – 6
Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate – 5
SimCity – 8
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 – 3
WRC Powerslide – 5
Year Walk – 7
Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk – 4
Starcraft II: Heart of The Swarm – 7
Hawken – 7
Runner2 – 8
The Banner Saga: Factions – 8
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus – 4
Beastie Bay – 7
Badland – 8
HarmoKnight – 8
Darkstalkers Resurrection – 7
Kentucky Route Zero – 8

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Detune is continuing the KORG series of titles with a new release for the 3DS eShop.

KORG M01D expands on the music workstation features first displayed in the DS versions. The amount of voices has been doubled to 24, and users can create music with up to 99 scenes through the 8 track / 64 step sequencer and 342 sounds. KORG M01D also lets you save MINI song data to an SD card.

KORG M01D launches on the Japanese 3DS eShop next month for 3,000 yen. It will be available overseas this summer.


We’ve known for some time that The Denpa Men 2 is set for an overseas release. Its launch on the North American and European 3DS eShops could be just on the horizon if a new rating from the OFLC is any indication.

The Australian ratings board added an entry for “The Denpa Men 2: Beyond the Waves”. So yep, the game has a quirky new subtitle and the rating is hopefully a sign that we’ll be seeing it soon on the eShop.

Devil World will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on April 17 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Time for another 3DS block size update! Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger, the latest title from Nintendo, takes up 2,295 blocks.

You’ll be able to download Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger this Thursday from the North American eShop. It’s unclear when the title will be hitting the European store at this time.


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