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3DS eShop

And just like that, there’s a new (Japanese) Nintendo Direct available for viewing! This one covers upcoming 3DS eShop software:

Here’s what was shared during the presentation:

– Dillon’s Rolling Western: The Last Ranger hitting Japan on April 10 for 2000 yen
– Freakyforms Deluxe hitting Japan on April 10 for 1200 yen
– There will be download cards in shops for both titles
– Special card packages coming with special Mario AR cards and an app
– Can make funny photos with these
– 1000 yen for Goomba card, 2000 yen for Mario card, 3000 yen for Peach card
– Special Mario AR + yen card packages will appear in Japanese shops on April 23rd
– Also 1000 yen Koopa, 2000 yen Luigi, 3000 yen Browser
– If you decide to download a full retail first party game and fill in a questionnaire, you could get a 500 Yen card
– Campaign runs through May 6

Another Japanese Nintendo Direct covering Tomodachi Collection: New Life will be shown this Wednesday.


It’s not often that a game launches on both Wii U and 3DS. But with Shovel Knight, developer Yacht Club Games intends to bring the indie release to both systems’ eShops.

So what will each version bring to the table? On Wii U, off-TV play will be supported, as would the 4-player battle mode – assuming the Kickstarter stretch goal is hit. The 3DS version would feature stereoscopic visuals, and both would offer similar touch screen mechanics.

According to Yacht Club founder Sean Velasco:

“We definitely want to have off-screen play for the Wii U version, and the 3DS will have eye-popping stereoscopic visuals. The touch screen / GamePad screen will likely serve similar functions, although we aren’t sure about that functionality yet. Finally, one of our Kickstarter stretch goals is a 4 player couch-play battle mode, which would not be available on 3DS. We want to take advantage of whatever each platform may offer, while still offering the same core experience.”

As far as future Nintendo support is concerned, Velasco said:

“Right now, more projects seem like a long time away, as we’re very focused on Shovel Knight and the Kickstarter. That said, our minds have often wandered onto follow-ups like Super Shovel Knight, or maybe even Shovel Knight 64! We also have ideas for totally different games, including a couple of projects we already have art and designs for. Recently, the Wii U and 3DS have captured our attention, so I would not be surprised if we ended up with another game on one or the other!”


These screenshots may seem a bit strange, but don’t worry about them too much – they’re from an “atmospheric demo” made for PAX.

Shovel Knight has managed to reach its Kickstarter goal. With two weeks remaining, Yacht Club Games managed to collect over $75,000.

The studio said of the news:

We are so appreciative and thankful, we could cry. It’s been a crazy ride, and we still have a long campaign ahead, but WE’RE FUNDED! Were you worried? We weren’t worried. Ok, we were worried.

But! Let the celebration be short! We have lots of updates to put together, and few other goodies.
Check out our awesome Stretch Goals if you haven’t yet, and stay tuned for big excitement tomorrow. I think we’re gonna take the rest of the night off… well, maybe we’ll answer a message or two. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

As mentioned above, while Shovel Knight has been officially funded, there’s still money to be raise. Stretch goals include New Game +, playable boss knights, a 4-player battle mode, and more.


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:

Wii U

Game & Wario – 4,935 yen


Downloadable titles
3D Super Hang-On – 600 yen
Fractured Soul – 800 yen
The Starship Damrey – 800 yen
Zoo Resort 3D – 2,980 yen
Shoshinshakara Nippon Ichi Made: Flash Anzan – 5,800 yen
Fish Eyes 3D – 2,980 yen

Virtual Console
Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest (Famicom) – 500 yen
Donkey Kong 3 (Famicom) – 500 yen

Video content

Tomodachi Collection: New Life overview trailer
Cardfight: Vanguard commercial
Dragon Quest X video
Animal Crossing: New Leaf commercial


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