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3DS eShop

Master a stone’s flight to the bottom of the well!

Be one with the stone from the toss to the splash. With a sharp mind and a deft touch on the Circle Pad, master the journey to the bottom of wells filled with obstacles. As you learn to maneuver each stone in free fall and complete each level, you’ll unlock more stones and wells. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead…for the flight is at hand.

Each well is designed differently, with various hazards to impede your journey. Some wells have pizzas that break apart; others contain floating cookies that will sacrifice their delicious lives to stop you from getting to the bottom. Armed with a selection of stones, such as the beefy iron ball and the fragile gem, race as fast as possible to the bottom of each well. Then turn on the StreetPass feature and share your speedy conquests with others!

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U download

Bit.Trip Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien – $14.99

Wii U demo

Bit.Trip Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien

3DS demo

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate

3DS eShop sale

Fractured Soul – $7.99


Fire Emblem: Awakening – last chance to get The Champions of Yore 1 for free (ends March 6)
EXPonential Growth map – $2.50

3DS download

Mahjong Mysteries – Ancient Athena – $4.99
Coaster Creator 3D – $9.99


Easter Eggztravaganza – $4.99 / 500 points


Retro City Rampage – 1000 points

Source: Nintendo PR

ATV Wild Ride 3D will officially launch on March 7, Renegade Kid has announced. It’ll be available through the 3DS eShop for $7.99.

Of ATV Wild Ride 3D’s upcoming release, Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham said:

“We’re super excited to be releasing ATV Wild Ride 3D in the Nintendo eShop. I am particularly thrilled about the multiplayer mode that enables players to go head-to-head online and compete to be the ‘Best Wild Rider in the World’.”

ATV Wild Ride will offer the following:

  • Tricked-out, nitro-charged, arcade racing.
  • Choose from a varied line-up of riders and quad bikes – unlock new content as you progress.
  • 24 unique off-road courses set in exotic locations including, Thailand, Russia, and USA.
  • World Tour, Quick Race, Freestyle, Time Trial, and Elimination.
  • Players can compete in local wireless matches or on-line over a broadband Internet connection.


Shin’en has announced a European release date for Nano Assault EX. It’s just a couple of weeks away – March 7, to be exact.

On Twitter, Shin’en wrote:

We should be getting a North American date soon, as Nano Assault EX has been approved by NOA.


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Crazy Chicken Pirates 3D – 200 yen
Layton Ky?ju to Ch? Bunmei A no Isan (Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies, retail title, from 2/28) – 5,000 yen
Tetris (Tetris: Axis, retail title, from 2/28) – 3,400 yen
Osawari Tantei Nameko Dai Hanshoku (retail game, from 2/28) – 3,990 yen
Pokémon Zenkoku Zukan Pro (Pokédex 3D Pro) – SALE – 1,200 yen (down from 1,500 yen, 20% off until 3/13)

Virtual Console
Zelda no Densetsu: Fushigi no Konomi Daishi no Sh? (The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, Game Boy Color) – 500 yen (until 3/20)
Zelda no Densetsu: Fushigi no Konomi Jik? no Sh? (The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, Game Boy Color) – 500 yen (until 3/20)

Wii U

Downloadable Titles
Nano Assault Neo – 1,000 yen

Video Content

Nintendo Direct presentation
Downloadable 3D videos for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate, Super Robot Wars UX and Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies
Shaun the Sheep – first volume is 100 yen, others are 200 yen
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons video
Crazy Chicken Pirates 3D video
Super Robot Wars UX video
Doraemon Nobita no Himitsu D?gu Hakubustsukan video
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon preview video


Resident Evil: Revelations will be available as a 3DS download in Japan next week. Capcom will be releasing the game on March 7 for 4,990 yen. To clarify, that’s a sale price. After March 31, Revelations will cost 5,300 yen.

Tetris: Axis is also due out on the 3DS eShop tomorrow, courtesy of Namco Bandai. Pricing is set at 3,400 yen.


Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri D?ch? will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on March 6 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


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