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3DS eShop


1. Pokemon Dream Radar
2. Pokedex 3D Pro
3. Paper Mario: Sticker Star
4. Crashmo
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link
7. Liberation Maiden
8. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure
9. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
10. Photo Dojo
11. Touch Solitaire
12. Cut The Rope
13. The Legend of Zelda
14. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
15. Pushmo
16. Colors! 3D
17. Plants vs. Zombies
18. Mario’s Picross
19. New Super Mario Bros. 2
20. Heavy Fire: Special Operations 3D


1. Paper Mario: Sticker Star Video
2. Paper Mario: Sticker Star October 25, 2012
3. Nintendo Show 3D: November 8, 2012
4. Pokedex 3D Pro Video
5. Nintendo Show 3D: November 22, 2012
6. Kirby 20th Anniversary Dream Collection Trailer
7. Hotel Transylvania Video
8. Adventure Time Video
9. Crashmo Video
10. Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion Video
11. Zelda II – The Adventure of Link Video
12. Liberation Maiden Video
13. Pokemon Dream Radar Video
14. Myst Video
15. Spirit Hunters Inc: Light Video
16. Nintendo Show 3D: October 25, 2012
17. Ninja Gaiden Video
18. Mario Kart 7 Video
19. Rayman Origins Video
20. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure Video

Source: 3DS eShop

Nintendo’s 3DS ambassador program feels like it took place ages ago. Still, there are a couple of games that haven’t been officially released on the eShop.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link finally came out last Thursday. With its official release, ambassadors can now download the “complete” version of the title.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

3DS retail

Super Pokemon Rumble – £39.99 / €44.99

3DS Download

Aero Porter – £4.49 / €4.99

3DS demos

The “Denpa” Men: They Came by Wave
New Style Boutique


DotMan – £1.79 / €1.99 / 200 points

Source: Nintendo PR

Shin’en has been saying for awhile now that it wants to get Nano Assault EX out this year. That’s still the plan, according to a message posted on the studio’s Twitter account.

The company posted the following when asked about the status of Nano Assault EX:

“Nano Assault EX should be available on the eShop in a few weeks, hopefully still in 2012.”


Remember Nintendo’s 8-bit Summer promotion? Sonic Labyrinth and Sonic Blast were originally intended to be released during the time of its campaign, but neither game landed on the 3DS eShop.

That should be changing soon. The eShop has been updated and both titles are said to be coming soon. Each will cost $4.99 when they are finally made available.

Unchained Blades came out on North American PSN (PSP) months ago. The 3DS eShop version, however, has been in limbo.

Publisher XSEED says it is “struggling” to release the 3DS edition. Having said that, the company hopes to finally launch the game next month.

And what about the sequel, Unchained Blades Exiv? Once the original game comes out on the eShop, XSEED may begin to consider localizing on the follow-up.


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