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Don’t count on any Wii U, 3DS, or PlayStation Vita games from id Software founder and technical director John Carmack.

Carmack stated during a presentation at QuakeCon 2013 that he’s “extremely unlikely” to develop for any of the aforementioned platforms.

Journalist Britton Peele, who attended the event, shared the tidbit from Carmack on Twitter:

Earlier in his talk, Carmack said that he had interest in bringing Doom 3: BFG Edition to Wii U and PS Vita, but they were not supported due to a lack of interest.


Pandora’s Tower is XSEED’s latest and likely final Wii title localized by the company. It came out during a fairly difficult period – once the Wii U was in the spotlight and at the beginning of the year.

Thankfully, Pandora’s Power did “pretty well”, according to executive vice-president Ken Berry. Had XSEED published the title during the 2012 holiday season, however, it “could have done much better”.

Berry told Siliconera:

“Pandora’s Tower has done pretty well, though not quite the level that The Last Story enjoyed. It probably could have done much better if we could have released it last holiday season rather than the first quarter of this year.”

The Nintendo Treehouse is behind pretty much all localized titles that Nintendo puts out on its systems. Mario & Luigi is no exception. Fortunately, senior localization manager Nate Bihldorff says that the characters only require a few tweaks – no major recreations of characters are required:

“Conceptually, all the characters are generally just one tweak away from being awesome. It’s a matter of making it fit better.”

Conception II footage

Posted on 10 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Most Smash Bros. fans likely didn’t expect Nintendo to announce Wii Fit Trainer as a playable character in the new Wii U and 3DS games. Yet, during E3 2013, Nintendo did just that. The company also revealed the Animal Crossing Villager, a character that you wouldn’t exactly peg as a fighter under normal circumstances.

Masahiro Sakurai told GamesTM this month that the their inclusion isn’t simply a means of surprising players. Rather, he feels that they “are very unique characters and they lend themselves well to the Smash Bros. family because they bring things we don’t already see.”

Sakurai said:

“The Wii Fit Trainer and the villager from Animal Crossing, there may be some people out there being like, ‘Okay, great, now you’re going out on a limb, you’re trying to do something strange or unusual, but there’s really no meaning behind it, you’re just doing it for…’ I don’t want to say shock value, per se, but just to surprise people. And that’s really not the case. I think these are very unique characters and they lend themselves well to the Smash Bros. family because they bring things we don’t already see.”

Thanks to joclo for sending this our way.

For the new Smash Bros. titles on Wii U and 3DS, Masahiro Sakurai posts new one new screenshot Mondays through Fridays on the game’s official website. He also shares each image on Miiverse and occasionally posts a message.

Sakurai’s latest notice covers the origins of the daily screenshot. He wrote:

The “pic of the day” originally started as a fun internal update for the people developing the game – we would put up a daily shot on our own corporate website. We soon decided that we wanted to share the fun with the general public, so that’s where we are today. Please keep in mind, though, that this is just meant to be a little bonus feature – we’ll continue to release other information about the game on the website.


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