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The latest details on Monster Hunter 4 cover Chico Village, PocaPoca Island, and the Felynes. Read on below for a summary of Capcom’s most-recent information blast.

– Zaboazagill: giant amphibious shark-like monster
– Zaboazagill is found at the new Frozen Sea map
– New resort-like island is the game’s third village
– Felyne equipment feature is back
– This was previously introduced in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
– Visit the blacksmith and you’ll get to make various equipment such as weapons, head gear and body armor for your Felynes
– Headgear gives your Felyne characteristic traits on what type of monsters they’ll attack, such as small or large monsters
– Third Monster Hunter 4 town is called Chico Village
– Chico Village is small and calm, surrounded by the sea
– The village elder is an old lady of the Wyvernian race
– Village elder spends her time happily living on the island with Felynes, who call her the “Cat Granny”
– Chico Village rarely sees any visitors, and it is said that the only ones living there are the Felynes and the elder
– PocaPoca Island is a small island next to Chico Village
– The island has many features that are similar to what was available on farms in previous Monster Hunter games
– The manager Felyne will be taking care of you on PocaPoca Island
– The Felynes on the island seem troubled by a recent sighting of nearby large monsters, so they’ve been making efforts to find heroic Felynes
– They hope to make the island a paradise that is flowing with Felynes of all kinds
– Ex: can send out the “Mon Nyan” Felyne crew off on quests and they’ll return with items that are needed to make Felyne equipment
– 3 different routes of near, normal and far quest routes
– Further quests are tougher but more rewarding
– Need to equip food for them
– Maximum of three slots for food and depletes as they go on quests
– Can send up to 5 Felynes on quests
– Need to take their skill types into consideration
– Players will participate in the Felyne quests for the first time by pressing the touch screen to activate their skills
– Will have to keep in mind which skills to use, as they can also back fire on you if not used properly
– New fishing machine on PocaPoca Island
– Machine requires Felynes and stock to use
– Goal is to aim for an area that has more fish
– If the fish move during the last second before you shoot, you’ll end up with a rather poor catch
– Some Felynes specialize in fishing


If you’re interested in seeing pure gameplay from Pokemon X/Y, you’ll want to pay attention to the July 21 episode of Pokemon Smash. Show host Akiyama will be playing the title, having borrowed it from Junichi Masuda. It’s possible that some content will overlap from CoroCoro, but more gameplay is always a good thing.


BELLEVUE, WA—July 12, 2013—The Pokémon Company International revealed new details about Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal today, including their types. Fairy-type Pokémon Xerneas will know Geomancy, a new move exclusive to Xerneas. Yveltal, a Dark- and Flying-type Pokémon, is the only Pokémon that knows the new move Oblivion Wing. Players can encounter Xerneas in Pokémon X and Yveltal in Pokémon Ywhen the video games launch worldwide on October 12, 2013, for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems.

Details of New Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal Revealed!

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