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After hitting a whole bunch of mobile platforms, Doodle Jump will now be coming to the 3DS and DS. The game will be available this year. As of now, it looks like Doodle Jump will be a retail release.


This month’s GamesTM review scores are as follows:

. The Last of Us – 9
. Fuse – 7
. Remember Me – 6
. Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 8
. Soul Sacrifice – 6
. GRID 2 – 8
. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon – 8
. Resident Evil: Revelations – 7
. Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine – 8
. Don’t Starve – 8
. Surgeon Simulator 2013 – 6
. Slender: The Arrival – 5
. The Starship Damrey – 2
. Poker Night 2 – 6
. Star Command – 7
. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D – 8
. Tekken Card Tournament – 5
. Guacamelee! – 8
. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger – 7


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies producer Motohide Eshiro commented on a number of different topics in a Kotaku interview, including the possibility of the legendary lawyer making it into Smash Bros.

His response:

“(laughter) I haven’t heard anything about the new Smash Bros. yet, but I don’t really think that there’s a chance that Phoenix could get into Smash Bros. I actually didn’t know that (Mega Man is in Smash Bros.). I was very, very surprised about that.”

Bugs vs. Tanks! footage

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

At one point, Nintendo was considering a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. The company seemed keen on either pursuing that route, or making a Link to the Past sequel. We all know that Nintendo opted for the latter, but Shigeru Miyamoto hasn’t completely forgotten about breathing new life into its old N64 classic.

Miyamoto said the following when asked if Majora’s Mask fans were out of luck: “Well, they’re still in my memory.”

Maybe Nintendo could revisit the possibility of a Majora’s Mask 3DS remake further on in the handheld’s lifecycle?


Two more pieces of downloadable content are coming to Shin Megami Tensei IV in Japan. For an overview as to what’s in store, check out the summary below.

Ancient of Days

– Fight against the Ancient Day demon
– Designed by Kamen Rider and Sentai designer Tamotsu Shinohara
– Demon is considered to be the caretaker of God
– By defeating it, you’ll be able to fuse the demons to create it yourself
– Can’t create it even if you have the necessary monsters if you don’t beat the demon
– Out on June 27

The Eternal Youth

– Encounter the Chaos King Sanato
– Chaos King Sanato is said to have come from a world of explosive flames and violence
– It’ll be up to you to stop Sanato who’s been trampling the grounds of the Shinjuku, Shibuya and Ikebukuro districts of Tokyo
– Chos King Sanato also designed Tamotsu Shinohara
– Defeat the demon to fuse monsters to create him
– Out on July 4


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