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A few days ago, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate producer David Cox made a few comments that seemed to leave the door open to a future re-release on new platforms.

First, Cox mentioned to CVG how the game’s assets were all initially produced in HD. He later told the site that an HD version for consoles could be considered, though didn’t indicate that anything was imminent.

Naturally, Cox’s comments spread and resulted in numerous rumors. In order to clarify his original statements, Cox took to Twitter and responded to fans:

Cox also flat-out denied a pair of rumors – one stating that an HD collection would be released on the Xbox 360 with Mirror of Fate, and another saying that the 3DS game will be heading to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and Wii U.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


Nintendo has opened the official website for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. Access it here.

The site comes with the standard content: details, videos, and screenshots. Be sure to visit the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity if you’re interested in the upcoming release.

Capcom is continuing to highlight creatures from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The latest, Brachydios, is a Brute Wyvern in the game.

Brute Wyvern screenshots and details are posted below, straight from Capcom-Unity.

XSEED announced Rune Factory 4 for North America last week. The game is now available for pre-order. Gamers can reserve Rune Factory 4 from Amazon here or GameStop here.

Last May about 30 million Skylanders toys had already been purchased by kids, parents, and gamers alike. That numbers seemed absurd then, but now– just nine months later– it has more than tripled, topping the 100 million mark this past quarter with help from the release of Skylanders: Giants.

If you’re interested in how much money Activision is making from this franchise alone? Over $500 million in revenue has been generated by the series, with 40% of that coming from the fresh-off-the-presses Giants.

Via Joystiq

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