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Scribblenauts Unlimited made it out in North America this month. European gamers will need to wait until 2013 to play the game.

5th Cell says Scribblenauts Unlimited will be hitting the continent on an unspecified date next year. Further information is not available at this time.


There are no plans at the moment to bring Braid to the 3DS eShop. But Wii U? That’s a slightly different story.

Although main designer Jonathan Blow says “we are really busy right now”, he has left the door slightly open for a possible Wii U eShop version sometime down the line.

Blow tweeted:

“Braid: 3DS, no. Wii U, maybe sometime in the future but we are really busy right now.”


Newegg’s Black Friday 2012 deals are now live. Various deals are available for the 3DS, DS, and Wii.

The full listing of Nintendo-related sales can be found below. Each item’s sale price expires on Sunday, November 25.

Giana Sisters (DS) – $9.99
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS) – $14.99
Bit.Trip Saga (3DS) – $14.99
Wii Sports Resort (Game Only) (Wii) – $19.99
Shinobi (3DS) – $9.99

View this page for links to all deals.

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