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Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission will be hitting Japan on February 28, 2012. The game will cost 5,800 yen.

Ultimate Mission features full card lists from sets 1 through GM4, a mission-based mode, and a new opening animation. Those who purchase Dragon Ball Heroes early will receive special cards for the physical game.


New Fantasy Life trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Note: This is the very first review written by podcast crew member Laura. Be nice, but be sure to let us know if it’s really terrible so we can fire her.

We all grew up with that love-able talking mouse who charms his way through any situation, right? Well, he’s back again with another ‘Epic Mickey’ installment, only this time he’s charming his way across side scrolling platforms.

With a lot of gaming franchises you’ll end up seeing a poorly-transferred version of a console game come out for the handheld device of the time, presumably for some easy money. Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion takes that idea and gives it more hope. While the game has quite a few flaws, it carries many of the same elements as the original console game but at the same time holds strong on its own. Disney Interactive Studios has created a whole new game for the 3DS that fits with in the Epic Mickey world, and instead of trying to recreate an entire console game and shrink it down for a handheld device, they used the transfer to their advantage.

Inazuma Eleven: The Legend of Endou Mamoru is seeing a last-minute delay. Originally scheduled for release in Japan on November 29, the game has now been pushed back to an unspecified time this winter, likely 2013.

With the delay, Level-5 will be using the extra time to check the quality of the software.


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